Tag: lilla’s views on the economy


My thoughts on the economy

Dear Readers,

I want to talk to you about the economy. I’ve been through three recessions as an artist, and I’ve always done well. I want to let you know that great art will always get work. Great work and great promotion will get you jobs.

This financial crisis will pass. There are many people that are a lot more invested in making it work than we are.

What doesn’t do well in a bad economy? Poor work, poor service, and people just sort of bored and tired of their own work.

In our economy, it’s a new paradigm. It’s not JUST a good economy or a bad economy. It’s a multi-faceted economy. If we, at Lilla Rogers Studio, for example, can get work from all over the world, then the rules of the game are different. It is my prediction that certain sectors of the economy will do poorly and certain sectors will do well. And everything in between. We are not destined for a one-size-fits-all recession.

How will artists fare? Since artists are trend-leading and entrepreneurial, the really good ones will make markets for themselves.

The election looks promising, and that, too, will infuse the entrepreneurs and artists with energy, which, in turn, will fuel the economy forward.

Also, leave me any questions in your comments and I will try to answer them. I care about our community and don’t want to see any unnecessary fear.

Warm regards,