Tag: moyo magazine


MOYO Magazine Issue 6

The new issue 6 of MOYO Magazine is here! Inside issue 6 (which is completely FREE) you can find:

+ Product inspiration from Susy Pilgrim Waters

+ Rachael Taylor’s trip to the USA featuring the Lilla Rogers Studio and LRS artist Rebecca Bradley

+ Top tips on manufacturing from The Design Trust

+ Behind the scenes with DENY Designs

+ Product photography with navyblur

MOYO Magazine is completely free and we want to delight as many people as possible with the wonderful world of surface pattern design. Please feel free to share the magazine on your blog and social media and tell your friends about it! Use hashtag #MOYOMagazine to share the love.



Moyo Magazine

Rachael Taylor, our newest artist, writes:


[This week}…sees the launch of MOYO, the world’s first online magazine dedicated to surface pattern design! Thank you so much for submitting. Packed with interviews, design briefs, colour challenges, art reviews, student showcases, design tips, inspiration, trends and more, this free resource will be published quarterly. You can read and download the inaugural issue here:
This magazine has been several months in the making and we are thrilled to launch it today. ‘MOYO’ (pronounced mo-yor) is from the Japanese for ‘pattern’. We hope you like the name, design, layout and feel of the magazine! We have worked with a dream team on this project (see page 4 of the magazine!) and we hope this will become a regular read for you. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped bring this project to life.
We already have so much exciting content planned for the next issue (out November). It will include a Q&A with Khristian A Howell and a designer diary from Studio Seed, so stay tuned for more surface pattern design goodness!
Spread the love! We would like to connect as many people as possible to the wonderful world of surface pattern design with this new magazine and we need your help! Here are a few ways you can help spread the word:

*Blog about it and either link to http://www.dowhatyouloveforlife.com/moyo
*Share it on Facebook with a link to http://www.dowhatyouloveforlife.com/moyo
*Tweet all about it using the hashtag #moyomagazine and link to http://www.dowhatyouloveforlife.com/moyo
*Share a link in your newsletter, and tell all your friends!

Thank you for helping us make this a special first issue, and for helping to spread the word!

Beth and Rachael