Tag: rebeccas Bradley


Study Illustration in London this summer with Rebecca Bradley

Hello!!  Greetings from slushy Baltimore.

I wanted to let you know of an opportunity to study abroad this summering London with me through MICA. Its a 3 week course which focuses on the past, future and present of illustration.  I will be escorting students and interested illustrators in and around London. Please write to me if you need more information! rbradley@mica.edu I have a blog for the trip and one from the previous trip. ANYONE can attend who has taken at least 2 semesters of college courses ! (the deadline to enroll is March 14 ) you can find the info to do so on my trip blog. – Rebecca

Highlights may include:

+ Past Present and Future of Illustration examined in studio visits, Museum trips and publishing houses.

+ A visit to the Harry Potter Studio Tours to see props, sets, costumes and graphic design ephemera

+ A trip to Kelmscott House, The V and A museum and Liberty Store to look at the life and work of William Morris

+ Behind the scenes at NOBROW publishing

+ A visit to a London Theatre to see a production

+ A curated private visit to the British Museum Drawing rooms

+ A Private tour at the V and A

+ Drawing and Painting on site at castles, beaches and gardens

+ A  show of your work after during the Fall or Winter in a gallery Baltimore.

+ Studio Credits if you are a current student



london rb

STI 2014_London Info Sheet.indd