Tag: Right Brainers Business
Big Event! Lilla is going to be interviewed by Jennifer Lee!
Big Event! Lilla is going to be interviewed by Jennifer Lee, best-selling author of the Right Brained Business Plan. She will be sharing her always-interesting views on licensing, being an artist, how to overcome obstacles, and much more.
Our BIG event is almost here! Grab your seat now. It’s free! The 4th annual Video Summit starts on April 7th Come celebrate the launch of my highly anticipated second book, Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way, during my 4th annual Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit. This year’s event is all about growing a profitable and lasting business on your terms. Join me, a panel of inspiring entrepreneurial experts, and thousands of right-brainers worldwide April 7th-18th for practical and proven business-building resources that are as playful and passionate as you are. I’ll be sharing more info in the coming weeks, but wanted to make sure you were able to grab your no-cost ticket NOW.