Tag: Talitha Shipman
Talitha experiments with Procreate
Talitha writes:
“My fiance let me borrow his stylus and tonight I tried out an app called Procreate. It is AWESOME! I wanted to show you what I did. I decided to do a copy of the Mona Lisa just to test out some of the tools and color mixing ability, to see how versatile the app is. I’m pretty impressed. Of course, it doesn’t look exactly the same, it looks more sketchy and soft and she’s less enigmatic because she’s looking at the viewer. Sometimes, I miss painting like this! Anyways, I’m going to get a stylus of my own and play around more with all the brushes and settings. The only problem I see right now is that you can’t create print res files yet. They need to create a version that outputs at 300 dpi!!!”
The Little Black Dress
Talitha writes:
“I am desperately trying to find a dress for a wedding I’m attending next week, and so far, nothing! But it did inspire me to draw some dresses. Ah, the Little Black Dress! I’m kind of on a two color kick right now, and I think pink and black look good together.
Hope you like them!”
Talitha’s “Flower Woman”
Talitha writes:
“I have been working on a little series that I guess I’m entitling “Flower Women”. A little background, I wrote my thesis on floral symbolism in art and one of the reoccurring themes that emerged in my research was “woman as flower” We’re named after flowers, we like to get flowers as gifts, we wear flowers, we wear floral patterns. Yes, most women have a soft spot for flowers and even identify with them. Flowers are soft, delicate, beautiful, fragile; all things that have been associated with womankind for thousands of years. Now I certainly don’t think that we women are beautiful, fluttery display items that are only decorative, but it is interesting to me, this obsession women have, including myself, with flowers. This partiality spans time and culture, and I had this idea to pick women from different cultures and draw them wearing a flower that is associated with their culture or location. I think I might do a few more, but right now, I have 4 ladies adorned with flowers.”
Cupcake Sightings
“An illustrator always loves to see her work out and about. Last weekend I had the pleasure of spotting two things I had done: my book and my Galison Cupcake stickers. I also spotted some adorable stickers done by fellow LRS artist Jillian Phillips.”
Wednesday: Suzy Ultman’s Juicy New Robert Kaufman Fabric Collection
Talitha’s newest pattern
Talitha has been working on patterns. I think this one came out beautifully.
– Julia
Goofing Around
Talitha writes:
I’ve been kind of on hold with the book due to the holidays, but I haven’t had much time to pick up the old wacom tablet and just draw something. I forced myself to slow down and doodle a bit tonight. This is what came out. Hope you like it :)
Friday: New patterns by Diane Bigda
New pieces by Talitha
A lovely piece by Talitha Shipman
Talitha writes us a charming note:
“Hi there guys,
I wrote my thesis paper on floral symbolism in art and illustration, focusing on floriography, or the secret language of flowers, and I told myself that I would eventually do a series of illustrations based on that concept. Well, about a year later, I finally have one done. I recently purchased two primroses and within several weeks they had wilted away. Usually, I have my grandmother’s green thumb when it comes to houseplants, but not this time. Anyways, I thought in tribute to my poor little primroses, I would create an illustration in honor of them. The text at the bottom of the illustration represents the meaning of giving primroses. Too bad my primroses couldn’t ‘live with me.’
Thanks and I hope you like the illustration. I’ll be working on more in the coming months! And if anyone knows how to keep primroses alive indoors, please let me know!
Talitha :)”
Friday: Brand new personal piece by Jenn Ski