Tag: They Draw and Travel


Lilla picks the They Draw & Travel marvelous map contest winner

From the They Draw & Travel site:

“Wow. Wow! WOW! We received 225 entries in our Marvelous Map Contest. They are all so beautiful and inspirational and informative and unique. Some are really funny, others are super hip, lots are really cute and a bunch are true masterpieces! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the great artists who so joyfully share their artistic talents and travel insights with us and armchair travelers everywhere.

Picking only 6 winners was almost impossible and we could NOT have done it without the help from our celebrity judge, Lilla Rogers. Lilla represents some of the greatest illustrators in the world and we really respect her aesthetic sensibilities and style. A big thanks to Lilla!

$1,000 Grand Prize Winner
Chatuchak Weekend Market in Bangkok by Pinyada Ratanasungk from Bangkok, Thailand
Our judge Lilla says that she loved this map especially ‘…for the gorgeous, masterful drawings, the color palette, the unique and fresh imagery, the ability to pique interest in the location.’ We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!”

Thank you Salli and Nate for the wonderful opportunity to see so much gorgeousness! It was a real treat and honor to judge the work. – Lilla

Friday: Runners-up of the They Draw & Travel map contest