Tag: Uppercase Magazine
Hi, Lilla, I’m very excited to let you know I’m going to be in the UPPERCASE Surface Pattern Design Guide! (Forthcoming spring issue #21). Almost 300 artists submitted their work, 100 will be featured in UPPERCASE. One of my patterns is also in this video: http://uppercasemagazine.com/surfacepattern where UPPERCASE publisher, editor and designer Janine Vangool talks about pattern design. The pattern that’s featured in the video is from my Mermaid collection. I can’t wait to see the Spring issue! Many thanks, Silvia
Lilla in Uppercase Magazine!
This is what Uppercase’s Editor, Janine Vangool, wrote in the Uppercase Blog:
“In our current issue, Aaron Leighton interviews artist rep Lilla Rogers. Lilla has an amazing roster of talent and I was thrilled to be able to include images by a few of the artists. Matte Stephens created an original illustration for the fox cover, and below is a photo of Sarajo Frieden’s work (left, with embroidery by Marci Boudreau) and Amy Blay (right).
Thanks, Sarajo, for sending me the picture of the magazine in your studio. Looks like your cat is quite fond of it. And thank you, Lilla, for graciously lending your time for the interview — and for the lovely bouquet this week!
Congratulations to Sarajo on the release of Noonie’s Masterpiece, a children’s book she illustrated. Find out more about the book on Chronicle Books’ website.”
Wednesday: Marco Marella for ‘pastarito’ restaurants, italy