Erica Root
Contact details:
Instagram: @illustrate_this_life
Phone: +1 215-694-2044

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- Erica Root's portfolio
Where do you live? Where have you lived?
Philadelphia currently. Have lived in Cincinnati, OH and Albuquerque, NM.
What medium do you use?
Mostly Procreate these days, but love experimenting with different mediums.
Where do you buy your art supplies?
The Dick Blick store is directly across from my office—it takes LOTS of will power to not go in and buy everything!
What color combo are you most excited about right now?
I love pinks and yellows so much right now!
If you weren’t an illustrator, what would you be?
I think I’d really enjoy one-on-one art lessons with children.
Name something you do in your spare time?
I love watching documentaries, bad reality tv, and taking walks on the trail with my son.
What podcasts do you like?
I love The Daily, Pants on Fire (to listen with my son), currently listening to Dr. Death (scary!!)
What’s your favorite movie?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
What is your favorite cheese?
Do you wear shoes when you do art?
What’s your middle name? What do you wish it was?
Rachel. But I wish it was Danger because then I’d be a major bad@ss.
How do you stay in shape?
I do a ton of walking but would like to get better at doing daily yoga.
How don’t you stay in shape?
Snacks. Lots and lots of snacks.
How do you take your coffee?
No sugar, lots of cream!
What was your favorite illustration assignment?
Favorite assignment so far was the Wabi Sabi editorial assignment.
How do you stay inspired?
MATS Courses, on-line art groups, looking at tons and tons of art, and just creating art all the time.
Do you work traditionally or digitally?
Mostly digitally currently, but still enjoy playing with paints, pencils, and whatever else catches my eye!
Why do you like being an illustrator in 15 words or less?
Being able to do what I love for a living is a dream come true!
What illustration job would you love to get (your dream job)?
I would really love to create a journal/activity/list book!
Where would you like to travel to next?
I haven’t had the chance to travel much, I’d love to go to Spain and Italy.
What show have you binge-watched?
Transparent, Lost Treasures of Egypt (nerd alert!), Frankie + Grace, The Office, Lunatics…
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Winnie the Pooh maybe? (Never watched a ton of cartoons.)
If you could name a nail polish, what would you name it?
Chic + Chipped (that way my usual nail situation would actually be on purpose and in style!)
What do you listen to while you work?
Usually podcasts or TV shows that don’t need a high level of focus (like cooking shows).
If you could eat only one food, what would it be?
Graeter’s Ice Cream. All day, every day.
What is your current favorite font?
I am working on making my own hand lettering font, so for now, that is my current fave!
Whom would you like to meet?
Hmm…Ellen DeGeneres, maybe?
Client List
5280 Denver Magazine
Nelson Line
Penguin Random House
Running Press
Sterling Publishing
Tree-free Greetings
Workman Publishing
Washington Post
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