Ruth Burrows
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Instagram: @ruthburrowsillustration

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- Ruth Burrows' Portfolio
Where do you live?
UK for now….
Where have you lived?
but I have been in the UAE for just over 20 years
What medium do you use?
Mostly Procreate or Photoshop but with lots of scanned in hand painted textures.
How do you stay inspired?
I’m inspired by normal everyday things and ordinary people. I usually have my best ideas whilst out walking the dog! I love unfinished, wonky things that don’t match.
Where do you buy your art supplies?
I love a good old fashioned independent art shop if I can find one but my favorite thing to paint on at the moment is old Cornflakes boxes!
Do you work traditionally or digitally?
What color combination are you most excited about right now?
Orangey Red and Baby Pink
Why do you like being an illustrator in 15 words or less?
You can make something out of nothing.
If you weren’t an illustrator, what would you be?
An Odd Job Woman – I love carpentry and would love to learn about electrics and plumbing.
What illustration job would you love to get (your dream job)?
Illustrating one of those books about ordinary women who have done extraordinary things and men took the credit for it but now we’re going back and celebrating their lives.
Name something you do in your spare time.
DIY, putting up shelves and laying paving slabs in the garden, home improvement type of stuff.
What’s the strangest work experience you’ve ever had?
I once made a table for the Queen! I also hand painted a logo on a lectern that was used by the Pope!
What recent book do you recommend for a good read?
I read every night before I sleep but rarely remember what’s going on, sometimes I have to start over to remind myself who all the characters are. I never remember the title and as soon as the book is finished I completely forget what it was about!
Where would you like to travel to next?
I want to come to the USA, I’ve never been!
What podcasts do you like?
Fortunately with Fi and Jane (very British!)
What show have you binge-watched?
Killing Eve
What’s your favorite movie?
The only time I manage to watch a movie the whole way through is on a flight otherwise I get bored and go do something else instead!
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
What is your favorite cheese?
Wensleydale with Cranberries
If you could name a nail polish, what would you name it?
See above, I love DIY so nail polish doesn’t really work for me!
Do you wear shoes when you do art?
No, just fancy socks, usually mismatched.
What do you listen to while you work?
BBC Radio 4 or the World Service. Just talking, no music.
What’s your middle name?
I don’t have one.
What do you wish your middle name was?
I really wish it was Bunny (Bunny Burrows, get it!?) I’ve tried numerous times to make it stick as a nickname but no one’s picked up on it so far!
If you could eat only one food, what would it be?
Alphonso Mango.
How do you stay in shape?
Walking the dog and using power tools.
How don’t you stay in shape?
Sitting too long glued to Procreate!
What is your current favorite font?
I love Georgia, its classic and easy to read and no nonsense.
How do you take your coffee?
Instant coffee in a mug with full fat milk.
Whom would you like to meet?
I like ordinary folk, chatting to someone at the checkout is more interesting to me than someone famous.
What question would you most like to be asked?
Can you mend this?
Client List
Buffalo Games
C&T Publishing
Crocodile Creek
David & Charles
Design House Greetings
Dorling Kindersley
Highlights for Children
Legacy Publishing
New Jersey Monthly
Random House
Raspberry Books
Readers Digest
The Washington Post
World Vision
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