Month: November 2009
More work by Marco Marella
Marco writes:
“these are work i made last summer for an italian magazine, ‘GIOIA’, to illustrate the health page.
more to come…ciao
Wednesday: Monster Drawing Rally
John Coulter’s Target Gift Card: Snowboarding Polar Bear
John Coulter writes:
“Hi Lilla, my gift card design for Target is in stores now. It was great working with their art director.
Below are images of the final card with die-cut, alternate versions with background and different colors, and sketches. I hope everyone enjoys seeing the process.”
Monday: More work by Marco Marella
The Art Group Exhibition, “Let’s Play”
The Art Group’s first gallery exhibition features a piece by Lisa DeJohn.
Friday:John Coulter’s Target Gift Card: Snowboarding Polar Bear
New work by Marco Marella
Marco is the master of texture, intelligence, and vigorous painting. Great editorial work.
Wednesday: The Art Group Exhibition, “Let’s Play”.
Guest Blogger: Sarajo Frieden: Two Events
Sarajo writes to us about two shows she is in this weekend.
Event #1:
“Hi Lilla! Enlighten! Artist Lamp Show Benefitting Inner-City Art is a wonderful, one night only event held on November 21 from 5 to 11pm: over 85 limited edition artist lamps for sale to support arts education in Los Angeles. This event has been organized by Tornado Design.”
Event #2:
“Hi Lilla and everyone,
I’ve been invited to participate in an exhibition of international illustrators’ drawings to be held at Hotel de Vil in Stuttgart, Germany. The opening is November 20th at 7pm (19:00). It’s called the 100 Euro Show and it’s curated by Antonio De Luca (Creative Director of Walrus magazine among others). The show highlights drawings and sketches and everything will be priced at 100 euros or less. Here are my images, all ink on paper.”
Monday: More work by Marco Marella
A former art director makes food in the style of our artists’ work for her kids!
Former art director, Lisa Leconte, writes:
“Hi Lilla!
Not sure if you remember me, I used to work at weider/shape a long time ago. I stopped working at magazines when I had kids and now squeeze in my designing while making bento lunches for my kids. Anyway, i love your illustrators and am so inspired by them I did a tribute to Suzy Ultman for my kids lunch… just thought I’d share. Love love love the stuff you guys are doing and hope you’re well…”
lisa leconte
former designer extraordinaire, current bento making mom =)
Below, a Suzy Ultman tribute and the Lilla Rogers Studio logo.
How cool is this? Lisa, I hope you’ll send us more!
Friday: Guest Blogger: Sarajo Frieden: 100 € Show, An international exhibition of illustrators’ Drawings
New Tea Party pattern by Helen
See more of Helen’s work here.
Wednesday: A former art director makes food in the style of our artists’ work for her kids!
Three Holiday Craft Fairs
Susy Pilgrim Waters writes in to tell us of a trio of holiday fairs in the Boston area. Mark your calendar and then check out the cool indie goods!
First is a Rebecca Doughty’s Book Signing and Holiday Sale of Deborah Parker’s clothing. Susy writes, “I am a big fan of Rebecca’s work.” Susy forwarded this note from Rebecca:
greetings! you are invited to a
& book signing
saturday, november 21
10 am – 5 pm
I’ll be joining Deborah Parker (dear friend and clothing designer extraordinaire) in her studio for a festive holiday sale! She’ll have a line of special tops, scarves & skirts in gorgeous holiday fabricsand I’ll be on hand to autograph copies of several of my children’s books (for kids and grown-up kids)
delicious honey from friends (& bees) in maine too!
stop by for some good stuff and some good cheer…
deborah parker
37 broadway in arlington. 781-646-2363
arlington/somerville line, near route 16 (alewife brook pkwy) easy parking at building
happy wishes from Rebecca
Susy will be selling her textiles & artwork at this event
Finally, Susy will be hosting a trunk sale at her very Susy home. Try to make this. It’s always mobbed and very special.
Monday: New Tea Party pattern by Helen
Introducing Noonie’s Masterpiece by Sarajo Frieden
Introducing the amazing, fully-illustrated book by Sarajo Frieden, Noonie’s Masterpiece published by Chronicle Books and due out in Spring 2010.
What’s exciting about this book is that it’s a novel, yet, unlike most novels, every page is illustrated in full color. Sarajo spent many, many months on this project with Chronicle. By working on this for so long, she really was able to evolve her work to an astonishing level. That’s the beauty of working on a long-term project. So when you get a long-term project, look at it like a home-study course. Settle in and grow your work.
I’m always happy when an artist gets a project like this. I know, maybe even better than they yet know, that they will do some of their best work.
I think this book will do extremely well. It certainly deserves to.
Friday: Guest Blogger: Susy Pilgrim Waters
Allison’s new work for Print-on-demand Keds sneakers! Seriously.
Allison writes,
“Hi Lilla,
The Keds project was a lot of fun to work on, I had a blast playing with the designs. The main challenge was getting the colors right, to make sure the patterns were still wearable as shoes. I’m going to tackle some kids designs next. I can’t wait to see how they look in person!
Wednesday: Introducing Noonie’s Masterpiece by Sarajo Frieden