April 23, 2020 – WebinART #1 with illustrator Mara Penny
Replay Link: Click here
Password: 4p^#178H
We chatted about Mara’s gorgeous illustration projects for books, cards, fabric collections, magnetic paper dolls, a zodiac embroidery kit, and even a series of wine labels.
Lucky for your FOMO, it was recorded! Watch to learn about Mara’s artmaking process, her thoughts on what makes an art director great to work with, and the fascinating way she does research for a project.
Two days ago, I woke up with a strong need to spread some positivity to our community. I hopped onto a Facebook Live and gave an hour-long impromptu talk, fully engaging with the viewers. With over three decades as a creative entrepreneur living through many economic ups and downs, I’ve got some hopeful perspectives to share.
I refer to this time as a powerful ‘in-between’ time–a time when the old way has passed and some time before the recovery–a moment to reassess, pause, reflect and go forth. Right now, I know we’re all in a little (or a lot!) of shock, processing, and feeling anxiety. This too shall pass. New advances will emerge, like treatments for the virus (which will come sooner), and a vaccine (which will come later).
When I worry about my ER doctor husband battling the virus on the front lines here in Boston, I think of all the people who are working to keep us safe, and I am grateful. I also want to reach out to thank our wonderful clients who have continued to license and commission work and support our artists. We’re here for you as always.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for your projects. I hope you’re staying safe and healthy.
Scroll down for some fun books and games that you might enjoy during this ‘in-between’ time.
With affection,
Some new words to know.
Our artist Erica Root’s wonderful ode to these times.
I’m hoping my e-courses can provide you with some positive focus, career rebuilding, and happy art-making. Our Spring
One of my students, Creative Director Riley Wilkinson with his many classbinders. Yup, art directors take my courses.
Drawing is the ultimate comfort ‘food’. Flora Waycott’s beautiful book of instruction, a fully illustrated step-by-step guide is available here.
Need some books to dive into right about now? Check out our entire book library here. Home-schooling? We’ve got a children’s section here.
Buy Katie’s book here.
Looking for some non-screen time activities for you or your kids?
by the artists you love.
Buy Rebecca’s puzzle here.
I hope you enjoyed the show! Check out our site to see more.
Want great art for your project? Don’t hesitate to
contact us. We’d be delighted to assist you with any of your art needs.
Agent, Artist, Author
Founder, Lilla Rogers Studio
Co-Founder, Make Art That Sells