Category: studio visits
WebinART #4 with illustrator Sarajo Frieden
May 21, 2020 – WebinART #4 with illustrator Sarajo Frieden
Did you miss our WebinART with the brilliant Sarajo Frieden? Lilla and Sarajo chatted about maintaining freshness throughout a career that spans decades, and how Sarajo has preserved her unique voice through gallery work and commercial work alike.
Replay Link: Click here
Password: 9I$.U3$1
We’re getting ready for our 3rd Annual LRS Artists Retreat!
Over here at Lilla Rogers Studio we’re getting ready for our 3rd Annual Artists Retreat for our represented artists. Starting this Sunday, it’s three days of making art together, learning new things, schmoozing with top VIPs in the business, eating well and more. Here’s my garden where we’ll hang out the first day. Follow along at #lillasretreat on Instagram.
Guess who is coming to our Retreat? We’ve got VIPS from companies such as Blue Q, Hallmark, Quarto, teNeues, Candlewick, Sterling Publishers and Janine Vangool, Publisher of the highly acclaimed UPPERCASE Magazine. She’s hanging out with us and I’m sure she and I will concoct some pretty interesting ideas beneficial for both brands. And that, my friend, is how we do business around here. I always say “Play business like it’s a game.” That means: have fun with it.
We are honored that Mitch Nash, the founder of BlueQ, will be attending our Retreat. We love BlueQ!
I’m getting the back garden prettied up. I like an informal setting, plying everyone full of lots of good food and drink to inspire creativity, ideas, and relaxation. I’m going to lead my artists on a very cool art project which I show you in a later newsletter. Stay tuned!
Imagine what my artists are going to do with all this goodness on Day Three: Craft Day! I’m giving each of them blank tote bags to decorate. We’re talking inks, fabric paints, sashiko thread, gem setters, Helen Dardik rubber-stamps, sequins… See that little face in the middle? That’s my test piece, LOL. When Flora Waycott and Kate Mason come (a few days early from Australia) they’ll make a little sampler to test the materials.
Kate Mason Ambushes Lilla Rogers’ IG Feed.
Kate Mason ambushes Lilla Rogers’ Instagram account @Lillarogers. Kate lives in Australia and is a busy mother of 5! Kate won the Global Talent Search in October 2015. It has been a life changing event for her.
Hop over to @Lillarogers on Instagram to see all of Kate’s colorful and busy day! See Kate’s portfolio here.
Art Speed Dating + an intimate micro retreat
We’re busy getting ready this week for our exciting artist retreat #LillasRetreat that we’re hosting this Friday Sept. 25th and Saturday Sept. 26th!
We’re putting some of our top artists with top editors and art directors so they can play together and pitch projects in our gorgeous studio.
We call it Speed Art Dating.

Lilla Rogers Studio
Lilla will teach two innovative creative workshops, art directors will share how to dazzle with hot pitches, and our artists will pitch their ideas directly to these hot decision-makers. Throughout, there will be yummy eats and yoga too!
Lilla will also be video streaming on Periscope, the newest live interactive video app. During the scope, she’ll be interacting with those that tune in while she interviews her artists as they make art.
And what art they’ll make! They’ll carve block prints which they’ll print onto linen to make patterns.
Next, they’ll learn how to digitize their custom artwork to make embroidery with our state-of-the-art Janome 15000 machine embroidered onto linen! She’s hipping up this new technology!
We’re thrilled to welcome VIPs from these companies to our retreat:
- Margo Tantau, VP of Creative, Midwest CBK
- Mary Ann Hall, Executive Editor, Rockport Publishers/Quarto
- Judy Labins, Creative Director, Boston International
- Carol Chu, Art Director, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers
- Jessica Saint Jean, Art Coordinator, Candlewick Press
- Kristen Nobles, Art Director, Candlewick Press
In addition, these top artists will be attending:
- Helen Dardik, Ottawa
- Lisa DeJohn, Massachusetts
- Carolyn Gavin, Toronto
- Tara Lilly (our 2014 Global Talent Search Winner), Portland, OR
- Suzy Ultman, Ohio
- Sarah Walsh, Kansas
Here is a sneak peak at the Creative Retreat Itinerary! Be sure to stay tuned and follow along live with #LillasRetreat.
Workshop 1: Block Printing
The artists will carve large rubber blocks and then print onto lush silks to create fresh patterns.
Workshop 2: Mod Machine Embroidery
Lilla will teach her artists how to create innovative designs using Embrilliance software that they will then stitch onto gorgeous linens with our state-of-the-art Janome 15000 embroidery machine.
Speed Art Dating
Each artist will meet with each art director for ten minutes one-on-one, when they’ll be able to pitch their book projects or home décor collections, show new work, or just plain chat and ask their burning questions of these powerhouses.
Periscope Video
Lilla and team will be live video-streaming interviews of the artists and art directors, and engaging the viewers to ask questions of these inspiring folks. Watch @lillarogers on Periscope.
Visit Marco Marella’s studio in Italy!
Hi! Here are a couple of studio pics. i am working on a series of canvases for a small gallery show, these are quite different, stylistically, from my main body of commercial work nonetheless i think it’s important to explore other paths and most of all it is important to find some time to dedicate at personal projects, finally my computer generated work greatly benefits from this healthy practice, not to say my soul! – Marco
Rachael Taylor visits the Lilla Rogers Studio!
Rachael visited Boston & Baltimore last fall & now has a camera crammed full of inspiring imagery to edit & share with you from her sunny trip!
Her trip started with a meet up with the inspiring of the brilliant design work submitted for her Make Art That Sells e-course. She then spent a fun afternoon with Susan McCabe (one of Lilla’s fab agents). They visited Harvard Square, roamed the inspiring streets in Cambridge & managed to watch
some of the Regatta on the Charles River.
Rachael caught up with the studio ladies again on the Tuesday evening when Susan kindly hosted a dinner party at her home with the local LRS artists. She was fortunate enough to also meet the talented Alison Cole, Susan Pilgrim Waters & Ann Boyajian & her other fab agent Jennifer Nelson. It was such a brilliant evening and Rachael loved meeting everyone.
Before she flew out to Baltimore she attended a fun studio meeting where she also got to meet more of the brilliant LRS team; Julia & Patty. It really was a great opportunity to bounce ideas around & chat about their goals & plans for Rachael’s creative future & design label. She was sad to leave as she enjoyed every minute of her time with them!
Stay tuned as she has lots more imagery to share with you from her Boston visit including her #ABSPD alumni meet up, lots of fun sight seeing & her catch up with Smart Creative Women.
Study Illustration in London this summer with Rebecca Bradley
Hello!! Greetings from slushy Baltimore.
I wanted to let you know of an opportunity to study abroad this summering London with me through MICA. Its a 3 week course which focuses on the past, future and present of illustration. I will be escorting students and interested illustrators in and around London. Please write to me if you need more information! I have a blog for the trip and one from the previous trip. ANYONE can attend who has taken at least 2 semesters of college courses ! (the deadline to enroll is March 14 ) you can find the info to do so on my trip blog. – Rebecca
Highlights may include:
+ Past Present and Future of Illustration examined in studio visits, Museum trips and publishing houses.
+ A visit to the Harry Potter Studio Tours to see props, sets, costumes and graphic design ephemera
+ A trip to Kelmscott House, The V and A museum and Liberty Store to look at the life and work of William Morris
+ Behind the scenes at NOBROW publishing
+ A visit to a London Theatre to see a production
+ A curated private visit to the British Museum Drawing rooms
+ A Private tour at the V and A
+ Drawing and Painting on site at castles, beaches and gardens
+ A show of your work after during the Fall or Winter in a gallery Baltimore.
+ Studio Credits if you are a current student
Suzy Ultman in Her Studio
Thanks to my friends at Pimlico Magazine, you can sneak a peak at my happy little studio, check out my boxy Big Ben, and find inspiration browsing the pages of Pimlico’s gift & party summer issue. For the entire Suzy*U article, head on over to page 16! Sunny Summer Wishes, Suzy
Bonnie Dain’s studio in Rome
Bonnie writes:
“Hi Lilla! I wanted to send you these photos of my studio here in Rome, that were featured in the Fall issue of Studios Magazine…”
Diane Bigda’s amazing house – Part 2
Diane is a gifted and thoughtful gardener. Here are images from our visit to Diane’s garden.
Magical and peaceful.
Here is Susan smelling lavender.