Month: April 2015


“Never before have creatives had so much economic power”

Lilla and I had the best time today on the Twitter chat #dwylalchemy.  The chat was hosted by Beth Kempton of Do What You Love’s , a part of the Alchemy series.  Lilla received a lot of really great questions and it was a very engaging conversation.

She gave all sorts of inspirational and valuable advice!  Lilla shared this profound statement with us, “An artist is someone who makes art. The end.” For the full recap check it out here on storify:





Ask Lilla your questions in tomorrow’s Twitter chat.


Join the twitter chat with Lilla this Thursday, April 30th, 12-1pm EDT /9-10am PDT / 5-6pm GMT. Twitter chats are an exciting forum and way to share information.

For a crash course on how to make the most of  Live Twitter Chats:

1.) It’s easy! Simply log in to twitter on Thursday, April 30th, 12-1pm EDT /9-10am PDT / 5-6pm GMT, enter Twitter: @lillarogers; #DWYLalchemy  in the search bar and start following the conversation.

2.) For a better experience, we suggest you use a super easy tool like, that will allow you to follow the hashtag while having access to the twitter chat. Conveniently, Tweetchat also automatically adds the chosen hashtag to your tweets.

3.) Start participating: ask Lilla your questions, retweet, reply and have fun! We kindly ask participants to stay on topic during the chat.

4.) Don’t forget to use #DWYLalchemy in every tweet you post or it won’t be picked up by the host and other participants!

For more information on how to make the most of these engaging chats check out our school site’s info here:

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Coffee, Crayons, and Art

This morning at our weekly all-Staff meeting, Joanne brought in brand new packs of crayons for all of us.  It’s been proven that smelling crayons relieves stress and lowers blood pressure.

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Thanks JoJo for the tip and the new packs of crayons!




Save the Date: Thursday April 30th 12pm EDT

Join Lilla this Thursday on a live Twitter chat hosted by Beth Kempton and Alchemy.

Lilla will be talking about flourishing as a creative entrepreneur and finding where you are most nurtured.

Thursday April 30

12-1pm EDT /9-10am PDT / 5-6pm GMT

Twitter: @lillarogers

Use #DWYLalchemy





Mike Lowery is signing books today in Iowa!

His fans love him and he may be a perfect fit for your next book project! For more of his portfolio look here:







Marco’s coloring book hits Venice bookstands!

Hi Lilla!

My ‘Venice Coloring Book’ is finally out!  It features a couple of winged lion cubs exploring Venice, my beautiful hometown. The winged lion is the symbol of  St. Mark, the Patron of Venice, and of the ‘Serenissima Repubblica’. It is featured on an ancient flag and marble lions are just everywhere here. A truly fun project!!





Recap of the twitter chat with Lilla is now available-

What a delightful time we had yesterday at the studio doing a live Twitter chat with Lilla on “How To Get An Agent” and hosted by #matschats.  We got a lot of interesting questions and enjoyed chatting with everyone.  Here is a recap of the conversation on Storify:  ….  Lilla left us with this inspiring quote by Oscar Wilde, “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”

people buy your joyCLEAN copy

you with vengeance affirmation

Twitter chats are an exciting forum and way to share information. For more information on how to make the most of these engaging chats check out our school site’s info here: Stay tuned for the next Twitter chat with Lilla on “You have to find where you’re the most nurtured.” Thursday April 30th  9-10am PDT / 12-1pm EDT / 5-6pm GMT #DWYLalchemy




Lilla’s book “I Just Like To Make Things”

Look what Joanne spotted on the shelves at the library in Fairfield Connecticut!

You can also buy this fantastic book here on Amazon.

Also, don’t forget, Lilla be speaking tomorrow about “How to find an agent”.

Twitter chat with Lilla Rogers hosted by MATS here: (@artthatsells) #matschats.

Tuesday April 21, 2015

9-10am PDT / 12-1pm EDT / 5-6pm



the Studio


Save the Date: Tues. April 21st: Twitter chat with Lilla Rogers

Save the Date:  Lilla Rogers will be speaking about “How to get an agent”.

Don’t miss this Twitter chat with industry expert Lilla Rogers hosted by MATS here: (@artthatsells) #matschats.

Tuesday April 21, 2015

9-10am PDT / 12-1pm EDT / 5-6pm


You won’t want to miss this informative and engaging live chat with Lilla!


the Studio



Lisa DeJohn’s “Gardening for Beginners” by Usborne

Dear Lilla,

Spring is finally here and look at what I spotted in Arlington, MA’s own store Maxima today: Lisa DeJohn’s “Gardening for Beginners” by Usborne.  To learn more about this cheerful and educational book check it out online here and also be on the look for it coming to your local shop next!

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