Month: December 2011
Helen’s “Kitten Stitch” and “Love Birds”
Suzy Ultman creates a Critter Community
Suzy writes:
Welcome to Critter Community. My latest Robert Kaufman fabric collection was inspired by my love of the forest, as a kid & still today. My childhood home backed up to the woods. The neighborhood was actually called “Park Forest”. I grew up playing under a canopy of trees: picking berries, hunting for lost treasure, chasing squirrels, spying on deer etc. (*See the photo below with me, the one in grass-green halter top, and my older sister hanging by “our” woods.)
Weather permitting, I still take weekly nature walks. I find the forest very relaxing and love watching it’s inhabitants scurry about. Enjoy! Suzy
Available for purchase here.
Silvia Dekker’s amazing products and illustrations
Suzy Ultman – Turtles & Toadstools
Suzy writes:
“Hi Lilla.
I am excited to share my latest Chronicle project. It started as a collage that I created from scraps of office paper (I love to cut & paste in my free time). I was thrilled when Chronicle adopted the collage for this fanciful journal. We thoughtfully designed every spread, from cover to cover, to add whimsy to your writing experience. My favorite is the turtle page with writing space in the shell. “Turtles & Toadstools” can be pre-ordered now, and will deliver in the new year. Happy Journaling!”
Cool cross-stitch iPhone case
From Purl Soho’s site:
“Make a Statement!
Old world craft meets new world technology with Leese’s iPhone Cross Stitch Cases. We love the freedom these cases give us to express our crafty selves! Now your iPhone isn’t just your trusty tool for finding the nearest taqueria; it’s also a personal statement, accessorizing you with punchy, modern stripes, traditional cross stitch motifs, and everything in between. Purl Soho is freshly stocked with these super popular kits, in white and black, plus four fun brights: pink, orange, green and blue – one for every mood, outfit and season!
To find your faves just click here. And to get the whole the story on the designs we used, check out the Purl Bee right here!”
Pianos on State
Watch this! Music for the people.
From my friend Loretta from Santa Barbara.
Pianos on State from Russ Spencer on Vimeo.
Wonderful sights from Jillian’s trip to Tokyo
Jillian writes:
“Hi Lilla
I had a great trip to Tokyo this month! As always, it didn’t disappoint..there was still inspiration everywhere.
Here are some snippets from my visit.
Best wishes.”
Sarajo’s Holiday gift ideas
Sarajo writes:
“Happy holidays! Here is a gift guide that I hope you will enjoy. **Scroll down to see the links.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and new year!”
Here are the links:
Let there be light: modcloth
and more light: lampinabox
Let there be inspiration: teahousestudios
Let there be talk: getuncommon
Let there be prints: thumbtackpress
and more prints: theworkingproof
Let there be tea towels: thirddrawerdown
Mike’s latest products for Galison
Galison commissioned our artist Mike to do this for notepads and stickers. It’s really fabulous and just came into the studio today!
Here are some of the images from Galison’s website. Click here to see all of Mike’s products with Galison.