Month: March 2013
Jon Cannell does an awesome TV animated spot!
Jon writes:
“Hi Lilla,
I just finished illustrating the first of a series of three commercials for Good Times Restaurants. The campaign will highlight the introduction of Hand Breaded Springer Mountain Farms All Natural Chicken Tenders and Chicken Tender Sandwiches. It was a great collaboration between several people. Tom Evans who provided the creative, as well as directed and wrote the campaign and Larae Netten provided art direction (both from Stamen Pistil Advertising and Design). Jason Metter of Blue Fruit, Inc. brought my illustrations to life and added great subtleties and movement. Tom Lecher of Echo Boys, Minneapolis, arranged the music.
I have been wanting to get into this medium for awhile and this was a great project to get my feet wet.
I will post the other 2 when they are finished. Thanks!”
See the commercial here.
Jon Cannell’s Robot journal for Studio Oh
Macrina Busato for Flow Magazine
Macrina writes:
“Hi, I have just received the new amazing magazine Flow, fresh from the beautiful Netherlands. For this special issue, they asked 9 illustrators to make an illustration that answered this question: “What makes life simple?” My illustration was about friendship, taking care of, and “growing” people we love.
Hope you like!”
What Susy Pilgrim Waters is up to
Susy writes:
“hello curious all,
I just wanted to share some of my personal work, as i feel it is quite different from many of my illustration assignments.
My personal aesthetic is surprisingly clean+simple.
Having taken a degree printed textiles in London, it is a medium I come back to time and time again. It’s very physical and rewarding to make prints on fabric – function and form rolled in to one.
In recent months my husband keith and I have teamed up (we met at art school and are now combining our talents) to launch spw textile designs on hand woven hand printed cashmere and merino scarves.
We are making head way as a few museums have bought our hand woven and printed scares (ica boston, gardener museum, and the peabody essex).
We are screen printing on wood leather and silk too. I am influenced by British artist, Barbara Hepwoth, Patrick Heron, and artists curated by Jim Ede in KettlesYard, in Cambridge England.
When is comes to painting, I full in to abstract expressionism and feel totally at home with less is more.I paint on wood panels as large as 5×5 ft or as small as 5×5 inches!
Keith is very adept at the techie side, he created our sites and is master printer. He whips us in to shape on FB. I find juggling many projects very challenging, but in fact they all feed on each other.
there are always new passions to pursue. Thanks for reading. Back to it.”
You can find Susy’s shop here.
Carolyn Gavin’s drinkblots! (coasters)
Carolyn Gavin’s drinkblots (art coasters), a new product by studio m, were featured on Print & Pattern today. Drinkblots come in a block of 24 coasters, all with different art on each coaster.
Read more here and see the process of how drinkblots are made here.
(picture below from Print & Pattern)
Sarajo’s new website!
Sarajo writes:
“Hello all,
I have finally (!) redesigned and loaded lots of new images on my new website. I hope you enjoy exploring it and please contact my wonderful agents (Lilla Rogers Studio!) for commissions and licensing. Thank you!
The link:
Adolie’s wall stickers for Chocovenyl
Licensing Q+A with Lilla on Design*Sponge
From the intro on Design*Sponge:
“Lilla represents some of the best artists in the industry and has helped them license their work with companies like ikea, target, land of nod, barneys, crate and barrel, pottery barn, conde nast, teneues, and nickelodeon- just to name a few. When it comes to licensing surface design, Lilla knows her stuff. so i was thrilled when she agreed to answer your questions over the past few weeks. so, for those of you who submitted a question (or just wanted to see others’) Lilla’s answers are ready! she’s touching on many aspects of licensing so if you’re curious about licensing (or working with an agent) at all, this is a must-read. thanks so much to Lilla for taking the time to answer these questions and thank you to those who submitted them!”
Read more here.
Silvia Dekker’s illustration for cover of Flow special book “Simplify your life”
Silvia writes:
“Hi Lilla, I was asked by Flow magazine to answer the question: “What makes life simple?” in an illustration.
I love growing things in our garden, so I made an illustration of it. They liked it so they put it on the cover of the book,
inside the book, and inside the book as a poster! It was a very nice surprise…
Flow magazine has an international issue too.
Bonnie Dain’s studio in Rome
Bonnie writes:
“Hi Lilla! I wanted to send you these photos of my studio here in Rome, that were featured in the Fall issue of Studios Magazine…”