
Recap of the twitter chat with Lilla is now available-

What a delightful time we had yesterday at the studio doing a live Twitter chat with Lilla on “How To Get An Agent” and hosted by #matschats.  We got a lot of interesting questions and enjoyed chatting with everyone.  Here is a recap of the conversation on Storify: https://storify.com/artthatsells/matschats-with-lilla-rogers  ….  Lilla left us with this inspiring quote by Oscar Wilde, “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”

people buy your joyCLEAN copy

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Twitter chats are an exciting forum and way to share information. For more information on how to make the most of these engaging chats check out our school site’s info here:  http://makeartthatsells.com/community/twitter-chats/ Stay tuned for the next Twitter chat with Lilla on “You have to find where you’re the most nurtured.” Thursday April 30th  9-10am PDT / 12-1pm EDT / 5-6pm GMT #DWYLalchemy



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