Month: March 2010
New work by Mati McDonough
Mati writes:
“Hi, Lilla! Here are some new paintings from under the sea!”
Friday: 100 HEADS FOR HAITI (an exhibition designed to raise money for Doctors Without Borders)
Vintage Vera scarves on ebay
Wednesday: New work by Mati McDonough
New Patterns by Helen Dardik
Girls wearing Silvia Dekker’s floral prints on tv show
Silvia writes:
“Hi Lilla,
I was watching a Dutch children’s tv show (Uit-me-kaar which means ‘take it
apart’) where three girls were taking apart a washing machine. Two of the
girls were wearing dresses from Dutch department store HEMA with floral
prints on them I designed. I took some pictures of the tv screen and wanted
to show you…
Best wishes,
Suzy Ultman’s Scrapbook Collection at Target
Suzy writes:
It’s hard to believe that this collection began as a project in your surface design class. The spirit of the original “pull toys” piece, gracing the cover of the K&Co paper pad, reflects the fun & enthusiasm you injected into every class. In the class, I was also lucky to hang-out & create with such a talented & supportive group of artists. My “pull toys” print, how it was created and what it has become, is just another example of the special & splendid collective/family approach at Lilla Rogers Studio.
Available for purchase here.
Last Day in La Granja
Back to Madrid soon. Tomorrow back to the USA. Sad.
More pics from Spain
Products in a window.
Lilla painting in Spain
Here I’m painting a scene while we wait for lunch. Thanks to Julia for uploading all the Spain pictures to the blog for me!
My tiny portable watercolor set, complete with water, brush, paint pans, palettes.
Here you can see how tiny the paint set is.
Candy dish with tea in LaGranja, Spain
Cheese rinds in Spain