Month: December 2010
Jillian Phillips’ new art, Part II
New art by Jillian Phillips. Available for license or sale! Hurry! These are great pieces by one of our hottest artists. — Lilla
Illustrator Confidence Level is High for 2011
Charles Hively of 3×3 Magazine writes this uplifting piece I wanted to share with you. -Lilla
“The results of our recent survey shows illustrators see a brighter
future for 2011. Based on 469 respondents from the US, Canada, United
Kingdom, Europe and Asia, 45% see themselves as better off financially
in 2011, 24% will be about the same and only 7% say they will be worse
off. This compares nicely to the AIGA Designers Confidence Index that
had 42.7% of graphic designers saying it would be better off, 47% about
the same and only 10.1% worse. A major difference was 24% of
illustrators answered that they didn’t know if they would be better
off, worse off or the same.
Asked about fees, 10% responded that fees had gone up, 29% that fees
had gone down and the majority, 46%, saying fees remained the same.
Asked about the number of projects, 32% saw an increase in the past
twelve months, 31% saw the number drop off and 28% saw the number of
assignments remain the same; 9% were unsure.
Participants included 53% from the US, 11% each from Canada and the UK,
18% from Europe and 7% from Asia. 53% were full-time illustrators, 34%
were part-time. 52% had a bachelor’s degree, 31% had a graduate degree;
58% were male, 42% female, 59% were between the ages of 25-44.
We will be able to break down the research in more specific areas of
age, years in the industry and education in an upcoming announcement
but for now we wanted to share these top-line results.
Find out the latest updates on the 3×3 blog.
Friday: Jillian Phillips’ new art, Part II
Silvia Dekker in 101 Living ideas
Silvia Dekker writes:
“Hi Lilla,
I was interviewed by my favorite Dutch interiors and craft magazine 101 Living Ideas for their January issue. For a link to their blog with a bit about the article translated in English, click here. They asked me to design something for their readers so I designed this photoframe which is in the magazine in 2 colorways and can also be downloaded from their website for free.”
Wednesday: Illustrator Confidence Level is High for 2011
Allegra’s illustrations for an Indian music book
Sarajo’s iPhone case
Sarajo writes:
“Hi All,
Uncommon put out a call awhile back for a “share the love” theme. I decided to play around with hand drawn type, something I love to do. The result can be seen here. It’s available now as a pre-made case along with my other designs. It’s nice to ‘share the love!’
Thanks and cheers.”
Friday: Allegra’s illustrations for an Indian music book
Our New Gift Shoppe is Live!!
Yes! It’s true! Our Gift Shoppe is now live!
We’ve got art, buttons, magnets, pouches, cards, prints, stuffties, magnets, rubber stamps, ceramic ornaments, notebook pads,…and more! Great things for everyone on your list at a nice range of price points.
It’s stuff by the artists you love, by popular demand.
And guess what? With every single order, we include a free temporary tattoo. Order five things, get five tattoos!
Order by December 21st, choose Fedex overnight, and receive your fun-filled package by December 24th! (US only; sorry about that, dear international friends.)
Below: Stunning ceramic ornament by the highly-regarded Xenia Taler
Below: Check out our Toys & Dolls Category
Below: Very beautiful original art by Diane Bigda
Below: Suzy Ultman’s Special Delivery Print
Wednesday: Sarajo’s iPhone case
Jillian Phillips’ new work
Wine Spectator: Consumer Opinions Uncorked
John Coulter writes:
“Hi Lilla,
I did an illustration for Wine Spectator’s October 15 issue, about the best wine values.
I’ve included close-ups and sketches. Note in the sketch I show the hand holding the bowl of the glass. I found out you should always hold it by the stem. So I revised that in the final.”
Hear Lilla on Escape from Illustration Island
From Escape from Illustration Island’s website:
“Episode 60 of the Escape from Illustration Island Podcast features an audio interview with Artist Representative Lilla Rogers. Together we discuss her transition from Illustrator to Art Rep, as well as her thoughts on a strong portfolio and the changing landscape of our industry. ” Listen here.