Month: February 2012
Mechanical child – Parisian group show
Adolie writes:
“Bonjour Lilla ;)
I organized an exhibition in partnership with the Art de rien Gallery – Paris
The child Mechanical
Group show
from February 14 to March 25 2012
I also make the poster
My best.”
Wow! We’re so excited to announce our new Stock Shop.
So often we have designers or small businesses with great taste but limited budgets. They want our art! At the same time, we’ve got existing images that are perfect for that local yoga studio, funky cafe, pretty garden shop, blog, etc.
Visit our stock shop!
Maybe you have a small client you’re working with, or doing pro bono for a great non-profit that needs imagery on a budget. You can pick out the art, pay with PayPal, and download the image instantly!
Our artists benefit because their work gets to be sold multiple times around the world, so it’s an additional income stream for them.
$49 for lo res (perfect for digital use: pdf’s, blogs, websites)
$249 for hi res (for print use such as newsletters, invitations, direct mail, etc.)
Remember, this is royalty-free art. So if you’re looking for unique work that no one else can use, contact us to commission.
Above: Rebecca Bradley
Above: Linda Ketelhut
Above: Jon Cannell
Above: Trina Dalziel
New magnets and paperweights for iPop!
Fiona of Cartolina writes:
“hello Lilla – here are a few pictures of our part of our latest collection at iPop. Our vintage images look so fun under glass – you can see all the details. We have some happy holiday magnets coming up for 2012 also. Thanks for the great assignment!”
Silvia Dekker’s patterns for HEMA Home decor
Silvia writes:
“Hi Lilla,
I wanted to show you these pillows from Dutch department store HEMA with my patterns on them. I hope you like them!”
Brilliant new pattern by Helen Dardik
Rebecca Bradley’s St Martin’s Lane for They Draw and Travel: Runner Up Prize.
Rebecca writes:
“I just heard that i got runner up in the They Draw and Travel Map contest. So honoured. I love making maps- I teach a class in it!”
Sarajo’s new bedding sets and decals for Land of Nod have just launched …
Sarajo writes:
“Hi All,
I’m excited to announce that my new Spring 2012 bedding sets and wall decals for Land of Nod are now available. Sweet dreams everyone…”
Land of Nod bedding by Jon Cannell
Jon writes:
“Hi Lilla!
My boy bedding and crib bedding just came out for Land of Nod. It is called “Come Fly With Me” and features airplane themed artwork. I love the details they added including embroidered line work and dimensional stitched on fabrics. The boy bedding includes a quilt, a duvet cover, printed sheets, 3 different pillow case designs, 2 shams and a boarding pass throw pillow. There is also a luggage tag rug and navy blue drapes with an airmail detail along the bottom edge. The crib bedding features a blanket, a crib bumper, 2 fitted sheets, a crib skirt, and 2 different changer pad covers. This was a dream job and I really enjoyed working on it.”
Wednesday: Sarajo’s Land of Nod bedding!
Silvia Dekker’s Gameboard Layout & Gypsy Patchwork Print
The Pattern Master strikes again!
Helen Dardik just sent us these amazing new patterns. Enjoy the bright colors and cheeriness wherever this winter day finds you! – Julia
Current Clash
Colored Shapes