We hope you enjoy the beautiful artwork that our artists have created for greeting cards, for all occasions.
Contact us to assign or license art. We’re happy to help you find the perfect artist or gorgeous images for your project!
Available for licensing as of this writing.
Available for licensing as of this writing.
Available for licensing as of this writing.
Available for licensing as of this writing.
Available for license as of this writing.
Enjoy our artists’ recent personal work!
Contact us to assign or license art. We’re happy to help you find the perfect artist or gorgeous images for your project!
Available for licensing as of this writing.
Available for licensing as of this writing.
Available for licensing as of this writing.
Available for licensing as of this writing.
Available for licensing as of this writing.
Available for licensing as of this writing.
Available for license as of this writing.
Yup, you read that right. We’ve taken on another new artist!
When I teach over at
Make Art That Sells, I have the enviable job of watching students grow into incredible artists, and there are always many I swoon over.
However, we just couldn’t resist this artist, who consistently wowed me with their class assignments.
I bet you’re not even reading this and just scrolling down to see who we’ve picked, and I don’t blame you for a minute! 
Contact us to assign or license art. We’re happy to help you find the perfect artist or gorgeous images for your project!
Paloma O’Toole
Originally from Spain, now living in Newport Pagnell, UK
Q: What was your favorite illustration assignment?
A: I loved the graphic novel assignment on my first ever MATS Bootcamp. It pushed my limits without feeling like effort but being very playful and very inspired.
We’re delighted to welcome Paloma to our group! Not only is her work extraordinary, magical, and charming, but she’s lovely to work with.
I envision two commercial tracks for Paloma. First, I see her illustrating (and writing) many, many glorious and transformative picture books with her charming chatracters. Second, her more mystical and magical work is perfect for oracle decks, tarot cards and related books.
–> Paloma attended my Author/Artist Residency where she wrote a charming picture book on gender fluidity. She’s got the manuscript and gorgeous dummy ready to pitch. Art directors and editors, if interested, please contact us.