
GUEST BLOG: from our lovely, Sarah Walsh!

Hi Lilla and the lovely ladies of the studio :)

So this is my first guest blog post on the LRS site and I’m very, VERY excited about it :)

I joined Lilla Rogers in late spring. Here is the post here. Becoming a part of the studio obviously a dream come true! For years I would often daydream about it thinking “This is like fantasizing about going to the moon-never going to happen”. But I started putting myself out there more and more, working my tail off and trying to be positive and genuinely open to anything. Low and behold-Lilla and I started a dialogue via Pinterest. I discovered her class and it was JUST what I was looking for. I threw down the moolah that was worth every penny and more and signed up for MATS. Along the way I was offered a spot in the studio but as I’m writing this it sounds so casual. I WAS SO trying to keep my cool as things began to unfold and didn’t want to get my hopes up. Every other day I was trying NOT to hyperventilate. We are our own worst enemies people :) Anyway, here I am. So nice to meet you!!!!!!!

The piece I decided to share today is a piece I did for MATS and it holds a special place in my heart for two reasons. One, because I did it mostly without the computer, which I’m very proud of. I tried to relax and just let things happen. Command Z is my best friend so this was hard for me to do. And number two, because the quote means so very much to me during this time in my life. I have been so fortunate the past year. But there have been some challenges as well, because making dreams come true inherently comes with many obstacles that put you to the test. As I’m writing this we are expecting a little one any day. Yep, I’m a ticking baby bomb. Our little guy Finley is due September 19 but we all know how that works. On the opposite end of the spectrum I have a 17 year old daughter who now lives 8 hours away and is finishing her second week of classes at Columbia in Chicago. Being apart from her has been soooooooo challenging. My heart hurts just thinking about it. But she is off making HER dreams come true. So…..that said, I’m about to do this ALL OVER AGAIN. And that is a very scary yet exhilarating thought. I often wonder if I can handle this?! But I know deep down I can, because I WANT to handle it. My heart IS willing. I’m lucky enough to even be IN the position-to have this richness in my life. So yes, I firmly believe in the quote in my piece down to my core. When my heart is in it I create my best work and in this case, there’s quite a bit of emotion in this piece, and maybe some prego hormones too! I hope you like the piece I share with you today :) Sarah


  • Thanks for sharing your inspiring story, and may the abundance continue!

    October 20, 2013
  • I loved reading your piece Sarah, and so very many congratulations for Finley :-) I have a little nephew with the same name and if your wee one is as scrummy as he is (and I’m sure he will be) then wowzers, you’ll have a great time! Enjoy your incredible journey :-) x

    October 21, 2013
  • Wow, Sarah, that is so inspiring! Love your work, and especially, your willing heart!

    October 23, 2013
  • I feel your joy Sarah – congratulations on the birth of Finley and being taken on by Lilla; a great example to us all x

    October 23, 2013
  • Hi Sarah, I’m so glad we connected through this course, I remember right when you found out you were in Lilla Rogers studio. It got me fired up to complete my website as I was also heading to New York to go check out the surtex show. It is a lot that you are taking on. But I know through the power of love, especially with this this art and quote which has helped me as well. It is that simple and powerful. All you need is a willing heart, so much truth in that. Congrats on everything and wish you much success!! xoxo

    October 23, 2013
  • Congratulations Sarah! You are correct, you can handle it…best of luck. Tara

    October 25, 2013
  • Sarah I really loved your post. I’m a big dreamer and believer too. I read a line in The War of Art (about overcoming roadblocks for artists) and it said, “put your a__ where your heart is”. I love it. I really love the phrase in your piece just as much! I think I’ll post it to my computer ;) Is it a famous saying, or is it something you made up as a philosophy to live by? I really think it will help me.

    Congratulations on your little bundle and all the opportunities you’ll get through Lilla’s studio! Things are looking up <3 Yay!!

    October 28, 2013

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