
Back From Printsource NY!

Wow. We are just catching our breath now that we’re back from Printsource, and it was amazing!  We had a hugely successful show…. And we are so proud of our artists’ work.

We sold prints for all kinds of products to the most incredible clients including:
· Window valance curtains
· Infant bedding
· Scrubs
· Nursery décor
· A new product line
· Greeting cards
· Top of bed
· Pet products


Suzy Ultman’s dolls for Land Of Nod cozied up in the booth



The Lilla Rogers Studio booth all set up and ready for the show


And we even had a chance to obsess over beautiful yarns at Purl Soho-


Lilla, Joanne and Susan


1 Comment

  • The booth looks amazing and Suzy Ultman’s dolls are to die for!

    January 31, 2015

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