Tiger and Lion Wall Decals for Land Of Nod!
Hi Lilla and the studio ladies!
I just wanted to share my new wall decals for Land of Nod. They spotted my Television Tiger piece our Etsy shop and wanted me to expand and do another animal. I had always had it on my do list to play with more animals in the rainbow/vintage tv style. Remember the old color bars on the tube tv’s? This is totally dating me HA! but I don’t mind. I’m proud to be a child of the 70’s :) Anyway, I was super siked to see the lion in a spread of the spring catalog! It’s so fun and I love the whole chromatic theme. Also, I wanted to share the original gouache painting so you can see the evolution. I liked the painting but I wanted to change the colors to something less expected and make it more graphic.
Oh my gosh, that’s lovely, Sarah Walsh!! And, the bars on the TV were still there in my childhood (in the 80’s). So, I guess it dates many of us. :D Either way, it translates to a universally appealing design!