Category: events


Buy What You Love benefit

Sarajo writes:

I am donating this piece to the Rema Hort Mann Foundation Buy What You Love fundraising event (in support of cancer patients and visual artists). It will be held on April 23 6:30PM @ The Hole, 312 Bowery in NYC.


Mechanical child – Parisian group show

Adolie writes:

“Bonjour Lilla ;)
I organized an exhibition in partnership with the Art de rien Gallery – Paris
The child Mechanical
Group show
from February 14 to March 25 2012
I also make the poster
My best.”


Sarajo’s works for sale to benefit fresh stART

Sarajo writes:
“dear friends
greetings! starting the year off: i will be showing new work in the project room at fresh stART. fresh stART is an exciting one-night sale of paintings, works on paper, and photography to benefit therapeutic art programs for at-risk youth.
great art great cause! details below… ”


“The Reveal” @ MIT’s Media Lab

Please Join Shireen Damghani (Studio Operations Manager here at Lilla Rogers Studio) and her colleagues, Yolita Nugent and Angela Chang for a Mini Fashion show
on Ground Hog’s Day, 2/2/2011!

We will be showcasing ours and our students’ work in an informal walk-through experiment.

MC: Katiti Kironde of Harvard University. A combination of fascinating designs, E-textiles, and more.

Time: 3:30 PM at MIT’s famed Media Lab.


Enormous Tiny Art show #11

Jenn writes:

I’ll have some of my art in the 11th Enormous Tiny Art show at the Nahcotta Gallery, Feb. 1-29. The Opening is February 3rd from 5-8pm. Fellow LRS artist Jennifer Judd-McGee will also have some art in this show.

I will be there with bells and whistles, hope to see you there!


Jenn Ski

Jennifer Judd-McGee


Happy Chinese New Year!

Hsinping writes:

“Dear Lilla, Susan, Ashley and Julia,
It’s Chinese New Year this week.
This year is dragon year. I made this card and wish you all have a great great year!”


Weekend workshop with Susy Pilgrim Waters and Sarajo Frieden

Sarajo writes:

“Hi All,
I’m excited to let you know about an upcoming workshop Susy and I will be co-teaching in February at Teahouse Studio in Berkeley, CA. The early bird registration is on until 1/15!
(see below for additional text)


“Coming February 18 + 19 2012: Weekend workshop with Susy Pilgrim Waters & Sarajo Frieden. We will be co-teaching a workshop at Teahouse Studio! Early bird registration is on until 1/15 so register now! Class size is limited. A great gift for someone or for yourself!

Susy Pilgrim Waters and Sarajo Frieden live thousands of miles apart but their friendship has developed over the years through a combined love of art, design, textiles, color, and lots of laughter. Their work often blurs distinctions between craft, art, illustration and graphics, utilizing both the digital and handmade. In this two day workshop you will enjoy a special opportunity: a double dose of Susy Pilgrim Waters and Sarajo Frieden’s combined experience as artists, illlustrators and designers. Learn firsthand the strategies two successful artists have developed to continue evolving in their work. In this workshop we will: Play! Take a hands on approach using a variety of media: drawing, painting, collage, monoprints, found objects, layering, sewing, personal memorabilia Use warm-up sessions and explore the value of keeping a sketchbook of loose daily drawing. Create for the sheer fun of it. Cultivate a beginner’s mind, or freshen up a jaded one!! We will share strategies for getting unstuck and over hurdles. Using a variety of media (inks, gouache, collage, drawing, etc) you will create a personal sketchbook that can be taken home and built upon for further inspiration or use. This workshop is for beginners and experienced people alike. Ability to play essential! What will be provided: Matte gel medium, Dr. Martin Inks, Acryla Gouache (by Holbein), some mixed paper, water colour, sheets of wonderfoam and scissors and speedball printing inks for monoprinting and use in collage.”


We are at Printsource!

Exciting news! You’re going to love the new work we’ll be showing at Printsource New York. Available for purchase or license: hundreds of new prints & patterns for apparel, accessories, domestics, home dec and more.

Come stop by and visit! We’d love to see you. Printsource dates: Monday, January 9th – Wednesday, January, 11th. 7 W 34th St. @ 5th Ave. We’ll have hundreds of new pieces for buyers to view, license or buy. We’ll be at Booth C2/C2a.

Here is a mere teeny sampling of some work that you’ll see at the show from the participating artists. Over 350 new prints!

Above: Macrina Busato

FAB NEW PRINT CATEGORIES we’ll be selling:
Vintage Floral
Ink Blot
Modern Paisley
Great Graphics
Updated Animal Prints
Abstracts and Geometrics
Baby and Kid
Kitchen and Food
Teen, Tween and T-shirt

Above: Allison Cole

Above: Lilla Rogers

Above: Bonnie Dain

Above: Cartolina

Above: Suzy Ultman

Above: Sarajo Frieden

Above: Jillian Phillips

Above: Susy Pilgrim Waters

Above: Ann Boyajian


Kelly Rae Roberts’ and Beth Nicholls’ new e-course

The class is The Business Soul Sessions: Where passion meets profit.

From Beth and Kelly Rae’s website:
“The Business Soul Sessions is brought to you by internationally-renowned mixed media artist and author Kelly Rae Roberts, and award-winning entrepreneur Beth Nicholls, founder of Do What You Love. This collaboration was born out of a shared vision to revolutionise the way entrepreneurs approach business. We want to inspire a new generation of business owners who build businesses with soul, infuse them with beauty, and have a positive impact in the world. And we want those business owners to flourish, embrace abundance, and make more money than they thought possible doing what they love.

The Business Soul Sessions is brought to you by internationally-renowned mixed media artist and author Kelly Rae Roberts, and award-winning entrepreneur Beth Nicholls, founder of Do What You Love. This collaboration was born out of a shared vision to revolutionise the way entrepreneurs approach business. We want to inspire a new generation of business owners who build businesses with soul, infuse them with beauty, and have a positive impact in the world. And we want those business owners to flourish, embrace abundance, and make more money than they thought possible doing what they love.”

Class begins on Jan. 16. Click here to register.

All photographs taken by Tiffany Kirchner-Dixon.


Jennifer Judd-McGee’s show in NH

Jennifer Judd-McGee writes:

“Hi Lilla!
I’m having a solo show at Nahcotta Gallery in Portsmouth NH this month, with an opening reception on Friday 12/2 from 5-8pm. It is a series of paper cuts and mixed media pieces. The work will be up for the month of December. ”