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WebinART #2 with illustrator Katie Vernon

May 7, 2020 – WebinART #2 with illustrator Katie Vernon

Replay Link: Click here

Password: 3G#a#6n^

Lilla chats with Katie about her stellar career making art in her eccentric style, what she’s working on right now, her favorite illustration project, and her creative process. Katie also reveals how her previous work as a florist influenced her illustration!

Enjoy :)


WebinART #1 with illustrator Mara Penny

April 23, 2020 – WebinART #1 with illustrator Mara Penny

Replay Link: Click here

Password: 4p^#178H

We chatted about Mara’s gorgeous illustration projects for books, cards, fabric collections, magnetic paper dolls, a zodiac embroidery kit, and even a series of wine labels.

Lucky for your FOMO, it was recorded! Watch to learn about Mara’s artmaking process, her thoughts on what makes an art director great to work with, and the fascinating way she does research for a project.




See our workspace and read an interview with me

I am often asked how I choose who I am going to represent, what advice I have for artists starting out, and the coolest commission I’ve ever gotten (when I was a full-time illustrator). I answer these very questions and more in the latest edition of Where Women Create Magazine.
I was honored to be featured in this issue of Where Women Create, the gorgeous magazine that highlights creative women and their workspaces. I am very grateful to have such a huge Studio where I can work, enjoy meetings with my staff (seated on magenta velvet chairs!), and also make things. I hope you enjoy the article!
Read the article here: Lilla’s interview article
Subscribe to the magazine here. (I am not an affiliate; I just want to support the magazine.)
Don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to hear from you and help you with any of your art needs.
Follow us on Instagram for more fun.



Sarah Walsh is featured in this month’s Mollie Makes!

See more of Sarah’s work here.




Zoe’s 100 days of plates

From Australia’s Home Beautiful Magazine:

When Australian artist Zoe Ingram started designing her own plates, the project took on a life of its own. With a personal challenge of designing 100 plates in 100 days, the Adelaide-based artist garnered 48,300 people followers on Instagram. We sat down with Zoe to find out how it all began.

What do you do?

I am an illustrator, artist, and designer. I have an art agent in the USA, Lilla Rogers Studio. I mostly create art for books, home decor, textiles and stationery either as commissioned work or as licensed art.

When did you start 100 days of plates?

I began my project on the 13th June 2017.

What inspired you to make 100 days of plates?

My husband was diagnosed with stage four cancer in December 2016 and from that day my main focus was on him and not on work.

It felt like I had spent the first six months of this year in the hospital while also trying to take care of my two young daughters and keep things going at home. I had no time for any kind of client work or personal work for that matter.

My husband began to feel a little bit better around mid-May this year and I was able to begin working again from home around the start of June so, I felt that I was able to begin again too. But, because I’d not been working for such a long time, I felt very rusty, stuck and lost.

I needed to create some art just for me with no rules and no constraints. I happened to put a collage pattern that I’d created onto a plate as a mockup that day and that’s when my idea to do 100 days of plates started. After having such a long spell where I wasn’t creating, I felt that doing this would give me that creative freedom I needed. It was really an exercise in getting back into a rhythm of creating. I just needed to get my brain, heart and spirit going again.

Who or what inspires your art?

I love nature and that inspires me immensely. I’m a colour lover too and I’m always drawn to bright and unusual colour combinations, lettering and pattern. Also, the human spirit, the good in people and intuition helps me along a lot of the time too.

Can we buy your plates?

Unfortunately not at this time. I’m working on making this project a reality, but in the meantime, they remain visual inspiration. Perhaps I will create a coffee table book with the whole collection of plates. You can find my art prints, cards and tea towels on my website and I also sell my patterns on fabric, wallpaper and gift wrap on Spoonflower.

To see all the plates, follow Zoe on Instagram here.




Kate Mason Ambushes Lilla Rogers’ IG Feed.

Kate Mason ambushes Lilla Rogers’ Instagram account @Lillarogers. Kate lives in Australia and is a busy mother of 5!  Kate won the Global Talent Search in October 2015. It has been a life changing event for her.

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Hop over to @Lillarogers on Instagram to see all of Kate’s colorful and busy day! See Kate’s portfolio here.



Flora Waycott on Flow Magazine Blog

Hi Lilla and the studio ladies,

I recently was on the Flow Magazine blog! They made a cute animation of my fruit tutorial and did a little interview with me. :)

You can read the interview here: http://www.flowmagazine.com/things-we-do/tutorial-flora-waycott.html and watch below for the animation.


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Have a lovely week!

xx Flora


Behind the scenes with… Noël Claro of Nickelodeon

Meet Noël Claro of Nickelodeon and also professor at Parsons, The New School for Design!  Her experience ranges from managing high-profile corporate projects at Nickelodeon to inspiring and mentoring small design teams and students at Parsons.

Noël’s professional background is rooted in editorial design, advertising, promotion and creative branding.  Read the full scoop and take a tour behind the scenes of this Global Talent Search Judge on the Make Art That Sells blog here: http://bit.ly/1E8ljXs.


Noël Claro, Creative Director at Nickelodeon and Professor at Parsons The New School for Design.


This photo contains my all-time favorite object in my office: the letters that don’t quite spell out my name (there’s no “L” here since my name is Noël).


Left to right: aluminum letters that spell out “five,” our family’s lucky number; ceramic llamas beautifully crafted by Rachel Levit, one of my former students; Anthropologie deer vase from one of my daughters; another beautifully crafted ceramic yoga girl done by Leah Goren, another former student of mine; a teeny tiny teardrop terrarium from a family friend.




Suzy Ultman Ambushes Lilla’s IG Feed

We’re having the best time watching Suzy Ultman takeover Lilla’s Instagram feed today!  Suzy is sharing with us a sneak peek into a day in her life as an artist.


Suzy Ultman holding her vespa girl for sale in her Etsy shop.


Mood Board based on her travels to France and the Netherlands that inspired her “Out Oui Paris” fabric line with Robert Kaufman.


Suzy’s Breakfast of Champions

Don’t miss out… Follow along here @Lillarogers and see her portfolio here.




Behind the Scenes with Art Director Zoe Tucker

Zoe Tucker is an independent Art Director based in Brighton, UK (where the Global Art Gathering happened!). Specialized in children’s books, Zoe has over 17 years in the publishing industry working in-house for Random House, Penguin and Scholastic.

Now freelance, Zoe remains Art Director of Alison Green Books (an imprint of Scholastic UK), where she commissions some of the world’s greatest picture book artists. She also consults with animation and production companies Magic Light Pictures and Dog Ears, Ireland.

Zoe is also the most recent addition to the Global Talent Search Judging Panel and there is a great behind the scenes article on Make Art That Sells introducing Zoe and to catch a glimpse into a day at her office.


Zoe Tucker


Zoe’s desk in a shared studio in Brighton, UK


Zoe’s Favourite Item in her Office

Read the full article on Zoe here.


LRS Team

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