Category: Products


New tea towel “winter landscape x sarajo frieden” just released by Third Drawer Down!

Sarajo writes:

“Hi all,
Just in time for tea, my latest collaboration with third drawer down has just been released. “Winter landscape” is my fourth product with TDD—all the others have completely sold out!”

Friday: Step by step, Adolie Day


Suzy Ultman’s Bathroom Decor Collection – It’s a Hoot

Suzy writes:

“Hi Lilla!
Creative Bath did an amazing job interpreting my original “Give A Hoot” artwork into a bathroom decor collection. I’m in love with the fuzzy winking owl rug. What’s your favorite piece?”

See more of Suzy’s “Give a Hoot” Target bathroom decor collection here.

Wednesday: Sarajo’s Poketo totebag in The Tote Book


Hsinping Pan’s Peanut Butter Scratch-and-Sniff Stickers

Check out Hsinping’s Stickers by Peaceable Kingdom Press here. Who doesn’t want a set of Peanut Butter Scratch-and-Sniff Stickers, especially ones these cute?



Chocovenyl wall decals

Sarajo writes us that her wall decals by Chocovenyl are featured on Ohdeedoh. Click here to purchase Sarajo’s decals from Chocovenyl’s Etsy website. Other Lilla Rogers Studio artists that have wall decals on the site are Jillian, Adolie, Carolyn, and Helen.

Sarajo’s decals

Jillian’s decals

Adolie’s decals

Carolyn’s decals

Helen’s decals

Valentine’s Trunk Show featuring Susy Pilgrim Waters


RIBBIT RABBIT // illustrated by Mike Lowery // out now!

Ribbit Rabbit by Candace Ryan, with illustrations by Mike Lowery is now available in local book shops and online!

Wednesday: Chocovenyl wall decals


Jenn Ski’s gift cards now in Target

Jenn writes:

“I was walking in Target the other day when I noticed a design I had made for their gift cards was finally available. My husband was with me and when I pointed to them he was screaming, lol.”

Wednesday: Two Great Artists at once


Rebecca Bradley’s Florid Floral Notelets by teNeues

Rebecca writes:

“Just out and on sale, notelets of some of my floral work. The design is great, and I am excited to see the product! Check it out here. Just in time for the Spring. Hurry Spring!!”


Suzy Ultman’s Birdies and Banjos gift wrap

Suzy Ultman writes:

“Here is the final artwork for the Madison Park Wrapping Papers. I think the birds & banjos found the perfect home. ”

Wednesday: New work by John Coulter: Seattle Met: Agents of Chaos


A preview of Lisa Congdon’s A Collection a Day book

Lisa Congdon writes:

“Hi Ladies!
Just wanted to share…
You can see an image of my upcoming book cover here:
I am in the February issue of Martha Stewart Living which is in stores now!”

You can pre-order Lisa’s A Collection a Day book here.

The book comes packaged in a special collector’s tin!

Front Cover

Suzy Ultman’s road to “Happy Trails”


Lisa DeJohn’s Flashcards appear in Judith Wilson’s “Casual Living” home decorating book

Lisa writes:

“Hi Lilla,
I just found out about this book called “Casual Living, no-fuss style for a comfortable home” by Judith Wilson. It’s a home decor book and the Animal Alphabet Flashcards I did for Chronicle books were published in it! Not only that but it’s a very beautiful and stylish book with gorgeous photography. I recommend it highly!”

Mike Lowery’s updated bio