
Janell’s very innovative new photo-collages

Janell writes:

“Hello, Lilla.

Happy Fall time! I had to break out the scarf today.

I have some new pieces I like. When I was at class at the studio I did an image of a panda riding a scooter that was done combining a photo of a felt character I sewed and digital illustration. I redid the panda and did two more. I have ideas for more. So let me know what you think and any ideas of what I can do with it.


I love this new work by Janell, don’t you? Feel free to leave comments for Janell telling her what you think. What kinds of jobs do you see for her with this new style?



Tomorrow: See Sarajo’s new Hungarian Doll


  • I love these, Janell!

    December 4, 2008
  • That is sooooo sooooo cute, Janell!!!
    Love this! Especially the ‘upset over the spilled milk’ dude:)
    So vibrant, simple and crafty.
    Were are the Japanese art directors. They’ve got to see these.

    December 5, 2008
  • scooter panda is my favorite!

    December 5, 2008
  • This is such a great style — I had to see more! I can see it advertising a new Starbucks drink or a new candy brand. Love it!

    December 11, 2008
  • hey old roomie, I remember you talking about these now its fun to see them for real! They came out great!

    December 16, 2008

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