
JOHN COULTER: Guest blogger discusses working with Anthology

Hi Lilla,

I recently had the pleasure of working with Anthology magazine’s amazing creative director, Meg Mateo Ilasco, on the Summer 2013 issue: “Home is where the Art is.” I was asked to do an illustrated map of Rio de Janiero.

This was a very gratifying job. I did copious amounts of research online for each neighborhood featured, in an effort to get the flavor of each one. I recently showed the map to a friend living in Rio, and he said, “Looks to have been done by somebody only with a native knowledge. Just showed my brother in law (native Carioca) and he was thoroughly impressed as well.”

Here are some of my preliminary sketches, lettering experiments, details and the final.

Obrigado, – John

1 Comment

  • Love the vivid, bright colors!!

    September 3, 2013

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