Tag: Trina Dalziel
Trina’s Birch Tote Bag for Blue Q
Trina writes us:
A week or so ago I received some samples of the bag I illustrated last summer for BlueQ. We were staying at our friends’ house when I was working on the project. They have a long thin garden with apple and fig trees and a vegetable patch at the end. For three mornings in a row a squirrel came to the garden – I think he though I might need a model – because on the third day he tap-tapped with his little paw on the patio window! When I finished the project I didn’t see him again.
The other lovely thing about doing this project was it was a collaboration with Hallie a freelance designer based in New York. It was my first time of communicating on a project using skype – talking can sometimes be so much easier than writing and it’s so nice to feel you know someone a bit by the end of the project.“
Monday: Pics of Susy Pilgrim Waters’s house
How Trina’s day out in the Scottish Highlands became a repeat pattern
Trina Dalziel writes:
“Hi Lilla
I thought you might like to see how my Collection of repeat patterns named Inshriach started. Last May I went home to Scotland to visit my parents. On my Mum’s birthday we went to Inshriach plant nursery which is in a wood at the foot of the Cairngorm Mountains in the Highlands. They have a little café that sells amazing cakes made by the owner’s Norwegian wife and where you can sit and watch squirrels and birds in the trees outside. I wandered around and took loads of photos of the plants. Back in London I used my photos as reference for drawings which then became the repeats.”
We will be showing Trina’s patterns and other artists’ work at Printsource NY January 11-January 13. Come visit us!
Friday: We’re headed off to Printsource NYC.
New Ceramic Work by Trina Dalziel
Trina Dalziel writes,
“Hi Lilla,
This autumn I’ve spent a few days painting china at a wonderful shop /workshop in Bloomsbury, London. It’s called Cosmo China and it has been running for over twenty years. Artists are invited to paint, there work is displayed on their own shelf and if their work sells they are invited back…I have to wait and see if mine sells! Sitting around a table with artists and using a paintbrush is a lovely change from working at home and too much click clicking of my mouse!”
New Work by Trina Dalziel for Company Christmas Cards
Trina Dalziel writes:
“Hi Lilla
I was commissioned to illustrate these company Chritmas cards a few weeks ago. Viadynamics is an Innovation Consultancy and The Toolworks, it’s sister company, makes bespoke web tools – though it was explained to me, I don’t totally understand what this means! – I just love that they were so keen to have such non–corporate type cards to represent their brands. I hope we all start to see more and more of this in 2010.
Usually I make my own Christmas cards for family and friends and for clients but I haven’t had time yet so I was delighted that there was room on the printing plate for a set for me – I won’t need to be glittering and glueing and cutting at the last minute this year!
best wishes
Wednesday: Sarajo wins Society of Illustrators’ 52 award
Recent work by Trina Dalziel
Dear Art Directors,
Do you crave lovely how-to illustrations of food and domestics? Trina is fantastic with illustrating very detailed subjects in a soft, yet clear way. Her British sensibility comes through. Call or email us to assign.
Wednesday: Amazing photos of Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai
Some pieces by Trina Dalziel
Trina has an amazing painting style, too.
Have you seen Trina’s painting work? It’s just a bit ahead of its time. I think this or next year will be her time for getting lots of jobs with this work. Do you agree?
Tomorrow: Trina Dalziel’s drawings
Trina Dalziel’s new work for Healing Lifestyles
When you are given an assignment to illustrate a ‘how-to’ piece, you must show the information clearly, yet in a beautiful way. You are decorating the page. Trina does this so brilliantly. The have a bit of a David Hockney and an Edward Hopper quality. Check out the lone flip flops.
Tomorrow: Helen’s tea party for cats and dogs
Trina’s piece for Spa Magazine
I love Trina’s colors and smooth vibe. She gets tons of editorial work, and you can see why. I’ve suggested to her that she do the background dots for me to sell at Printsource in January.
Tomorrow: A pretty necklace.
Trina’s new piece for Body & Soul Magazine
Trina writes,
I particularily liked developing ideas for this project – it was about reflecting on your Christmas spending in a positive way and evaluating without regret.”
Best wishes,