Month: October 2009
New exciting work by Marco Marella
Gorgeous work by Marco. These are recent commissions he’s gotten in Europe.
Monday: One of our newest artists, Xenia Taler, renowned ceramic artist: new work at Barnes & Noble
Guest Blogger: John Coulter
John Coulter writes,
“Dear Lilla,
This is my submission for the blog Terrible Yellow Eyes. The TYE blog features a collection of works inspired by the beloved classic, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. My illustration is also an homage to the vintage chocolate poster by French artist Hervé Moran. I’ve also included some close-ups of the texture and a preliminary sketch.
Friday: New exciting work by Marco Marella
Charley Harper Needlepoint at Purl
Needlepoint has been one of the last areas to buy cool art. So I’m thrilled to see this. See more here.
Wednesday: Guest Blogger: John Coulter
What is it about Hsinping’s colors? Magical, playful.
Carolyn’s fabric
Carolyn Gavin’s Wild Thyme collection.
Carolyn writes on her blog:
Today I am not only showcasing my “Wild Thyme” Fabric Collection for P&B Fabrics again, but also the gorgeous “Wild Thyme” Inspired Children’s Clothing by Zozobugbaby.
Friday: What is it about Hsinping’s colors? Magical, playful.
Lisa DeJohn’s new succulent paintings
How gorgeous. No wonder why IKEA, Art Group, Chronicle, Godiva, and many others commission/license Lisa’s work.
Here’s some great stuff by Suzy Ultman with her kids. Love it!
Suzy Ultman’s charming stuffties that she made. Read more:
Suzy writes:
Hi Lilla.
Here are the images with some caption ideas. This photo shoot was done during last February’s nor’easter. The kids had a snow day, and my friend Jilly ( was visiting from LA. She had packed her camera and we had a blast. My art is inspired by the joy of childhood, and it is amazing to have my boys to remind me of that every day. It was so much fun watching them interact with my art & the camera.
“don’t look back: mischief makers & wise guys rule the day”
Monday: Lisa DeJohn’s new succulent paintings
New work by Jenn Ski
Jenn’s house looks like this (mid-century modern). I am charmed by the tree pattern, too.
Friday: Here’s some great stuff by Suzy Ultman with her kids. Love it!
Linda Ketelhut writes
Hi Everyone,
A friend of mine surprised me with these cool NYC wood blocks
this morning which inspired me to create a quick shelf life for
them in my studio. Fun mini project!