
Who will be our next represented artist? Announcing the 2018 GTS Finalists!

Announcing the 2018 GTS Finalists

The judges and the people have spoken! The competition was intense, with judges telling us that it was challenging to select a mere five artists from such an incredible pool of work.

We’re delighted to now reveal the 2018 Global Talent Search Finalists, chosen from the 50 Semi-Finalists (who were selected from over 1,200 artists’ work).

Five artists were chosen by our panel of VIP industry experts, and one was chosen by public vote (our People’s Choice Winner).

The overall competition winner will be represented by Lilla Rogers Studio and will be flown from their home city to our Artists and VIP Retreat in September!

Click here to view the Finalists!


Over 10,000 votes were cast by the public, and we can now reveal that the 2018 Global Talent Search People’s Choice Finalist is. See the People’s Choice Finalist here.

Read the next steps in the competition here.



Finalist 1 (The People’s Choice and Judge’s choice): Åsa Gilland, Sweden

MATS Student since 2014

The People’s Choice Finalist Åsa was also one of the five Finalists chosen by the judges. As per our rules, this allowed the judges’ sixth choice to also join the group of Finalists, and we are delighted with our top six, who will now take on one more assignment to try to win the title of Lilla Rogers Studio Global Talent Search Winner 2018.


Here’s what one of our GTS judges had to say about Åsa’s GTS submission:

‘I love her style – it is loose and organic yet detailed. Her people have personality and unique looks. I like that she did not format this piece in little blocks like so many others.’



Finalist 2: Jennifer Potter, San Francisco, California

MATS Student since 2017



Here’s what one of our GTS judges had to say about Jennifer’s GTS submission:

‘Jennifer Potter: great layout, smart inclusion of the hands, theme tied into every element, including the rope frames. Love the limited palette. In an instant, I knew this was about a few people, a boat, and was from the past. Great skills in scenes, people, and objects.’



Finalist 3: Kendra Binney, Portland, Oregon

MATS Student since 2014


Here’s what one of our GTS judges had to say about Kendra’s GTS submission:

‘Kendra Binney’s Birdsong was a standout. I loved it from first glance before I even began reading. The art is really striking and appealing and fresh, the color use is lovely, and the storytelling is superb.’



Finalist 4: Sarah Papworth, West Midlands, United Kingdom

MATS Student since 2015



Here’s what one of our GTS judges had to say about Sarah’s GTS submission:

‘Her journal took my breath away, and this assignment was amazing. The lettering. the tonal quality, the details, the story. But most of ALL, it’s her vast portfolio that has such differentiation within it. Her piece has style, finesse, variety, great lettering, and solid talent.’



Finalist 5: Anke Rega, Berlin, Germany

MATS Student since 2016



Here’s what one of our GTS judges had to say about Anke’s GTS submission:

‘The color palette is very appealing and the way she decorated the interior showed that she’s tapped into trends.’



Finalist 6: Julia Christians, The Harz Mountains, Germany

MATS Student since 2017



Here’s what one of our GTS judges had to say about Julia’s GTS submission:

‘I want to work with her! What else can I say? I like the energy in her work, the humour in her characters. She would work for picture books and middle-grade fiction.’



To all those that participated in the competition this year, a big giant THANK YOU for being a part of it!

Stay tuned to find out who will win the competition!

The 2018 Global Talent Search winner will be announced on lillarogers.com on August 17th!


  • Excellent choices! It must have been a crazy hard decision to narrow it down but I think these finalists are exceptional. Best of luck to these six.

    by Glenna Lundberg
    August 1, 2018
  • Great choices! I voted for 3 of them! Good luck to all of you ladies!

    by Lahna
    August 1, 2018
  • Is it required that you be a MATS student in order to enter/win? I notice that all of these runners up are students as well as many winners from the past. Can someone win if they are not a student? Congrats to the 6 by the way! Such beautiful work!

    by renee b
    August 1, 2018
  • I love them all! fantastic work.

    August 2, 2018
  • These picks are fantastic….I can see why you chose them!!!!

    August 14, 2018

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