Category: sightings
Silvia Dekker in Print & Pattern 2!
Silvia writes:
“Hi Lilla,
I am in the new ‘Print & Pattern book 2’ by Bowie Style.
It’s a wonderful book with a lot of great designers in it. I am so proud to be in it too!”
Available for purchase here.
Adolie Day in Cute Illustration art book
Adolie writes:
you can see my art in “cute illustration” art book – Monsa edition. CUTE ILLUSTRATION! This fantastic book of illustration today includes a recompilation of work from twenty-eight international renowned artists. Some of those featured are Yosuke-Uena, Ciou, Adolie Day, Fawn Gehweiler, Yumiko Kayukawa, Tado, Naoshi, Marcos Chin, etc., who have personally selected a few of their best works.The styles employed from illustration “Manga Kawaii” the illustration “naïf”, to the most primitive, from the highly personal to the intensely conceptual or simply expressive. All of them form part of the vanguard on today’s illustration scene.
A bientôt ;)
Hsinping’s poster for a film festival in Chengdu
Hsinping writes:
“Hi, Lilla,
I want to show you this poster I did for a film festival called “From Eyes of Women” in Chengdu, China.
My animation short “Small & deep, Love stories” was screened there. I had the chance to visit there and was so thrilled to see my drawing on the billboard. This festival is hosted by A4 contemporary arts center.
It was a very nice art gallery with great exhibitions.:) ”
Susan visits Jennifer Judd-McGee in Maine
Susan writes:
“On a recent trip to Acadia, I had the pleasure of visiting with Jennifer Judd-McGee on her home turf, Mt Desert Island. I love Jennifer’s doodles, her cut paper and the rich, textural complexity she brings to collage work. I think you will too!
Before even seeing Jennifer herself, I spotted her piece, All Sweet Things Beyond, in the window of a cute little shop in Bar Harbor called Spruce and Gussy .”
Love the layering of paper, fabric and color.
Look! Jennifer’s lovely image, in the shop window! And there were more inside!
Ubiquitous signs of our times
It’s Week 2 for our Guest blogger, lovely agent Susan McCabe. She writes:
” ‘Store Vacant’, ‘Space for Rent’, ‘Out of Business’. These ubiquitous retail signs of our times are everywhere. Which is why I literally stopped in my tracks the other day in front of one such vacant space. “What is that? A huge skewer of Tonka trucks? Yes!” In fact it was a sculpture by William Turville called Kabbabbed Tonkas for the Iron Giant. I had encountered the efforts of the local group, Arlington Public Art and the group’s Arlington Windows Project.
Using the empty storefronts as temporary exhibit space for non-commercial art, the project transforms idle space into gallery space. Exhibits rotate for as long as the commercial space goes unrented. Now there’s a quandry––rent the space or keep surprising us pedestrians with neat stuff we’d never have encountered otherwise? Hmmm.”
A Taste for the Past: Lunch for a Game Boy by William Turville
Kabbabbed Tonkas for the Iron Giant by William Turville
Guest Blogger: Lovely agent Susan McCabe
All this week, funny and observant LRS agent Susan McCabe will be writing the blog posts. Lucky us!
Today she shares her visit to The Paper House.
“For years I had heard about this curious place in Rockport MA called the Paper House. I imagined a Lincoln Log inspired structure made up of rolled up newspapers–and something about as big too. I finally had a chance to see it for myself and encourage anyone tired of the same old summer sites to check it out. It’s worth a detour.”
From the Paper House website:
“The Paper House is an actual house made from paper. Newspaper. It was built by Mr. Elis F. Stenman, a mechanical engineer who designed the machines that make paper clips, began building his Rockport summer home out of paper as a hobby. That was in 1922. The paper was meant to be good insulation. Eventually, not only was the house made of paper, but furniture as well, including some intricate and beautiful pieces.”
Exterior Siding up close.
Details Details……
A clock.
Even the window valance is paper…
Interior Wall with a photo of the inside.
Rebecca Bradley’s illustration featured on
From Oprah. com on Rebecca’s illustrated recipe of Pimm’s No. 1:
“As if the recipe’s name weren’t swank enough, this elegant watercolor from Maryland illustrator Rebecca Bradley (who’s spent time living in London and elsewhere in the U.K.) makes us want to turn this recipe into a tray that would hold glasses of the English cocktail for us and some friends as we sit on the lawn watching a polo match while we all wear fancy hats.”
Cool shop in Gloucester, MA
Lovely agent Susan McCabe writes:
“If you happen to find yourself in Gloucester, MA during these waning days of summer, Check out Scout. It’s fabulous shop full of nifty finds that Scout King discovers on her vintage scouting trips! Best of all, she’s got the real deal—Loads of McCoy pottery!”
Wednesday: Helen’s latest patterns – “Beautiful Weirdos”
Lisa DeJohn’s Alphabet Animals turn up in Jewel’s Nursery as seen in People Magazine!
Lisa writes:
“Hi Lilla, I got an email from my sister-in-law on Friday exclaiming that my Alphabet Animals flash cards from Chronicle Books were in the newest issue of People Magazine! Turns out that the famous country singer Jewel has them hanging above the changing table in her new baby Kase’s nursery. It made my day, to say the least :)”
You can purchase Lisa’s Alphabet Animal from Chronicle Books here.
Sarajo goes to a David Smith sculpture show at LACMA
After a discussion of the trend of Geometrics, Sarajo wrote us:
“We went to see a David Smith sculpture show at the new Resnick pavilion at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) today…such a great show, talk about geometrics. He was influenced by Brancusi, Kandinsky, Vladimir Tatlin among others. Wonderful show. Geometrics!”