Category: thoughts
We’re excited to invite you to join us TODAY at 12:00 PM ET for the next in our series of WebinARTs with our newest artist Ruth Burrows. We JUST took her on and already her vivid color and lively imagery has pulled a variety of illustration projects for clients like Crocodile Creek, Penguin Random House, The Washington Post, and more.
Click here to join our free public WebinART on Zoom with our artist Ruth today at 12:00 PM ET. Password: Ruth99
–> I’ll show you the stunning mini portfolio that Ruth sent us some time ago in hopes of securing representation. You won’t want to miss this.
I’ll chat about why we took her on and I’ll ask Ruth about how and why she went from her previous successful non-illustration 20-year career to illustration. You’ll swoon at her gorgeous work in her slideshow on screen. Plus we’ll take a few questions live, and we’ll have a giveaway of Ruth’s gorgeous art!
–>No worries. You won’t be on camera. It’s a webinar; not a meeting.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Ruth Burrows, illustrator
Lincoln, UK
The Washington Post
Penguin Random House UK
Crocodile Creek
Owlet Press
I hope you enjoyed the show! Check out
our site to see more.
Want great art for your project? Don’t hesitate to
contact us. We’d be delighted to assist you with any of your art needs.
Agent, Artist, Author
Founder, Lilla Rogers Studio
Co-Founder, Make Art That Sells
We’re excited to invite you to join us TODAY at 12:30 PM ET for the next in our series of WebinARTs with Guest Artist Sarah Papworth, who has worked on a variety of illustration projects for HarperCollins, Quarto Group UK, L’Oreal Paris, Workman Publishing and tons more. Her luscious and varied color palettes and distinctive portraiture have garnered a number of rich book projects.
Click here to join our free public WebinART on Zoom with Guest artist Sarah Papworth today at 12:30 PM ET.
Password: Sarah77
I’ll ask Sarah how she begins an illustration, how she hones in on a particular color palette, tips on portraiture, what makes a great art director, what she’s reading right now. She’ll show us a number of her favorite images in a gorgeous slideshow.
We can’t wait to see you there as we put some goodness out into the world, and we’ll do a giveaway of Sarah’s stunningly illustrated Rainbow Revolutionaries book (HarperCollins).
Above: Greeting card for
American Greetings
Above: Fifty LGBTQ+ People Who Made History, fully illustrated by Sarah Papworth (HarperCollins)
From I Know An Artist (Quarto)
From I Know A Woman (Quarto)
Illustrations for The Washington Post
I hope you enjoyed the show! Check out
our site to see more.
Want great art for your project? Don’t hesitate to
contact us. We’d be delighted to assist you with any of your art needs.
Agent, Artist, Author
Founder, Lilla Rogers Studio
Co-Founder, Make Art That Sells
May 21, 2020 – WebinART #4 with illustrator Sarajo Frieden
Did you miss our WebinART with the brilliant Sarajo Frieden? Lilla and Sarajo chatted about maintaining freshness throughout a career that spans decades, and how Sarajo has preserved her unique voice through gallery work and commercial work alike.
Replay Link: Click here
Password: 9I$.U3$1
Guess who has fantastic tips on working from home? Seasoned illustrators, that’s who! I recently asked them to share their best tips for those who are working from home full-time, possibly for the first time ever. Enjoy!
Contact us to assign or license–we’re happy to help!
– Get dressed! Everyone is making jokes at the moment, about people not wearing pants in their home office. But as someone who always works in a home office, it is helpful to get dressed nicely for work every day, to get in a busy and motivated mood.
– Clean your space! When you are done for the day, clean up your work space so you can start fresh next morning. It really makes a difference to come to a nice and clean desk in the morning.
– Make plans: I have two schedules, one is a yearly overview with my longterm projects, the other one is a weekly planner. I fill the weekly planner on Mondays. That’s important because I don’t lose time, thinking about what to do today when I start working. It also helps me to do things I am not really motivated to do. When it’s on the planner for a certain day, I will do it, no matter what.
A seasoned home-based full-time illustrator and mother of two, our artist Julia Christians shares her top tips for working from home:
– Structure your day. Start and stop working at the same time, every day. Have a routine. Have breakfast, get a huge cup of your favorite tea and go to work.
– It’s better to start early. Before I had kids I started to work pretty late and also worked in the evenings and nights. I feel like you have more energy in the mornings and if you have done your work in the morning, you can take the rest of the day off with a good feeling.
– Limit your time! Another thing I learned by having kids. You are more productive if you have less time.
– Put your cell phone away or in airplane mode
Check out Julia’s latest book with Nosy Crow.
Introducing a truly hilarious and one-of-a-kind new character: Magnificent Mabel!
Writing from Australia, our artist Flora Waycott’s shares her nurturing advice to start the day :
My number one tip for working from home is to get dressed in to something nice, as if you are going to work. I always try to accessorise with some favourite jewellery, even if I am not going to see anyone or leave the house all day. This helps me mentally prepare and I feel fresh and ready to start the day.
Create a morning routine that you stick to every single day – mine is to make a cup of lemon water followed by a berry smoothie, light my favourite incense and check my emails. I do this every single morning and it has helped me to be more disciplined with starting work
Want more Flora goodness? Check out her authored/illustrated book here.
We love the lyrical tips from our British artist Trina Dalziel:
I am incredibly lucky where I live in the North of England–a footpath takes me from my house into fields and woods.
I aim to walk a few miles every day but on the days I don’t manage I still try to spend some time outside, tidying up my garden, refilling the bird feeder, ten minutes wrapped up with a coffee, even just hanging washing on the line, or standing on the doorstep gazing at the stars — but something to connect with the outdoors and nature.
It’s one of the things I most love to draw so it seems crazy to not spend time appreciating it.
And now for some happy news…
Fabric of the mask in front by
Carolyn Gavin
We have the most awesomest financial manager ever! Julia Parker has been part of a brigade of roughly eight women in the greater Boston area sewing masks for two local hospitals and a homeless shelter.
There has been much sanitizing and sharing of supplies and a wonderful community has been borne of the need to provide for our front-line workers and unsheltered community. Lilla Rogers Studio has donated over 50 yards of fabric to this endeavor.
Thank you so much to Julia and to all the health care workers keeping us safe every day.
What makes a great product?
Strong contrast helps the product stand apart.
Gorgeous color palette is a must.
The imagery is easy to ‘read’ quickly.
The artist’s style is distinctive and exceptional.
Here, you see excellent examples of the above, by our artists. Enjoy.

Suzy Ultman

Kate Mason

Sarah Walsh

Flora Waycott

Suzy Ultman

Sarajo Frieden
See tons more products here!
Here is part two of our special editorial series done by our artists! You can see part one here. I thought it would be really fun to give our brilliant artists an assignment on how creative thinking is the future (which I totally believe, by the way).
The new skill that will become more in-demand than ever before is creative thinking.
“I personally think there’s going to be a greater demand in 10 years for liberal arts majors than there were for programming majors and maybe even engineering,” he said. “When the data is all being spit out for you, options are being spit out for you, you need a different perspective in order to have a different view of the data”, writes Mark Cuban for Travel & Leisure Magazine.
Check out the diversity of concepts and style. Which is your favorite?

Jessica Allen

Terri Fry Kasuba

John Coulter

Jenn Ski

Kate Mason
Here are four tips to help you nourish yourself and others during these interesting times. Hope you find benefit.
1. Reach out to your community and
surround yourself with those that make you happy.

2. Lean on each other. Support each other.

3. Treat yourself well. Make a cup of tea. Breathe.

4. Make your own magic. Do more of what makes you happy. Make more art!

“When a shift in a system has occurred, especially one that causes fear and discomfort, it allows for something strikingly different to appear, furthering our evolution as people. We can only know where we are going when we get there … now is the time we have been practicing for. No more just practicing the dance. We must now dance. And this is not a dress rehearsal.” — Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
Lilla and Reine
Hello Lilla,
The recent drowning of the Syrian toddler, Aylan, along with his mother and brother near the Turkish coast have deeply touched me. Both as a human and as a father, I felt moved to create this piece of artwork. I cried while making it and it is called “Aylan’s Dream”.

Aylan’s Dream
Marco Marella
A fantastic article has been written about “How to be a successful online creative freelancer” by Lilla Rogers and Do What You Love. Do What You Love creates award winning online courses that help people find personal and financial freedom through e-courses. It’s chalked full of tips and advice on how to make the most of your creative career online. Read the entire article here on: Make Art That Sells.
“Never before has freelancing been so easy. It’s the democratization of work and access as creatives are now able to connect with their niche audiences worldwide.”
—Lilla Rogers

The participants to the MATS Global Art Gathering in Brighton meet Lilla Rogers and create precious connections with other artists.
Having a wonderful time in Brighton. The tastes, sounds, smells and visuals are so gloriously fresh. There is a steady sea breeze punctuated with seagull cries and the light is crystaline, even in the morning.

Ladies of the Market downstairs.

Yummy pork pies!

Textures, types and colors captured on a morning walk.
