
Echos from MATS student, Lien Geeroms

It’s been a few weeks now since I left ‘Lillaland’ (such a wonderful place to visit). After MATS Part A and the subsequent Global Talent Search I had to reboot and set myself some new goals… but that task turned out to be a lot easier than expected. Some nice commissions came my way almost immediately and I’ve been a busy bee ever since. I noticed how often I refer to all the things Lilla taught me when tackling these commissions and the other stuff on my plate. I believe MATS A and the exposure with GTS gave me, my illustrations, my business – yes, my art actually sells ;-) – a major boost, directly and indirectly. So, Lilla, I owe you big time!

I couldn’t take Part B of the course in October (too much on my plate!) but I hope I can attend in March. One of the treats of taking MATS A was/is the tribe of fun and talented artists from all over the globe I got to meet, talk to and now follow. A bunch of ‘mates’ with similar interests, thoughts, questions,… A lot of them took Part B in October and I was amazed by all the great artwork that resulted out of that. Can’t wait to dive in to those assignments myself. – Lien

After GTS I made myself a bucket list to sum up my goals… and of course an illustration to go with it.

ⓒ Lien Geeroms_Bucket list

My first post MATS assignment was illustrating a songbook for children to educate them on road safety published by Abimo.

ⓒLien Geeroms_childrensbook Abimo


I was thrilled to be asked by ‘Uitgeverij Snor’ (www.snor.nl) to illustrate two books packed with info and fun facts for women and men in their 30’s. ‘Snor’ is a dutch publisher – one of my favorites – and some of their titles are now appearing in the US (a collaboration with Knock Knock).

snor 30+_titelspreads




  • Yeah Lien~ I still remember how stunning your GTS was! :-) Best of luck, Tenaya

    January 31, 2014
  • Lien, your work is very special and beautiful. I remember it well from MATS A and GTS. Great, that you got these exciting book projects.
    x Petra

    January 31, 2014

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