Tag: Adolie Day


Adolie Day in the “So cute show”

Adolie writes;

“Hi Lilla,
I’m a part of an amazing french show in June “So cute ” at Galerie Curiosités
With stunning artists : Chloé Rémiat, Agata Kawa, EEching’s Handmade, Ëlodie, Evangelione’s Handmade, Kanzilue, Koralie, Lucie Georger, Pocoleizi, Sefora Pons and Sombrilla Verde!
I’ve made 3 pieces for this show : 2 original drawings and one limited reproduction signed and numbered ^-^ .

New Work by John Coulter: Rhode Island Monthly


French advertising campaign by Adolie Day

Adolie writes:

“Hi Lilla
here’s two big illustrations i make for POM D’API shoes, a french luxury brand
It’s the summer 2011 Campaign, in shops in France and all over the world


Step by step, Adolie Day

Adolie writes:

“Hi Lilla
Here (finally) an overview of my work process.
Here for creating a character, I hope it will answer some questions.
for this first step I draw with anim pencil. Blue
I then turned to the light table to improve it, make it more readable,
clean, adjust my line and add details sharper.
I then add some values ​​in blue ink.
I scan and begins working on Illustrator forms (the tablet).
I draw some bodies, details, printed, peas … and imports them into Photoshop.
Sometimes (not here) I scan funds in watercolor, fabric, I import photos
to bring the material.
For the rest I’m working on Photoshop, with different effects,
brushes and textures that I keep in my palette
A new “beloved” for a top secret note book …”


FAQs with Adolie Day

Here is an excerpt of FAQs with Adolie Day on her blog.

Could you describe your career path ?

It will be a long story!!!
As long as I can remember, I always had a pen in my hands.
I redrew Disney’s princess and made horrible painting for the Mother’s Day.
All my junior high school’s notebooks were covered with tags, sketches, fashion’s drawing (and a lot of Kurt Cobain’s pictures).
After a high school diploma in literature and arts test, I was accepted at the Pivaut-Nantes school, where I followed the advertising graphics program.
I understood, at this moment that I will do it my job, It make me feeling alive, vibrate.
I admit, I wasn’t fond of the perspective and documentaries studies’ courses (whatever ^^)
It was very important for me to be in a school, learn the basis, be structured, and judged … it doesn’t suit to everybody, but it allows me to go beyond.
In this period, I acquired a kind of freedom in the drawing (thanks to the nude).
At the end of my studies, I began painting with animals painted on wood (acrylic and “gouache”) with an original frame make by my wonderful daddy.
I approached some decoration’s stores, and won my first orders.
Six months later, I answered to an announcement for a replacement as a textile graphic designer at “Alphabet”, six months at “Sucre d’Orge” and two months at Kenzo.
I decided to resign this last job to launch me in freelance. It was a vital need, like an obsession!
I got an exhibition for my series “Les Nicoles” at Le Bon Marché-Paris, it activated many orders.
I have still worked in the textile industry during two seasons as a freelance for Kenzo and Catimini.
But more the time passed, more the personal illustration took me time : exhibitions, press, editions. At this period, I can say that I have worked as a headless chicken, but I knew it was the tribute for having a name and additionally pay the rent!
I started having a well filed book and I had launched my blog. It is at this period the Amereta’s edition got in touch with me. They offer to me to create a little character who will be a book sage heroine for the little children (Lilichou was born).
In the same time, I got in touch with La Marelle (I was a real fan of all their artists and their range of products), and I was really surprised when I received Pascale’s answer “Ok”. I can remember very well this moment:
I read the mail and then I was jumping like a crazy girl in the entire flat ;) it was a great joy and it will stay one for ever.
I won’t tell everything in all the details, but everything happened in quick succession, and then my first album, good press articles, wonderful exhibitions …
One of the mayor point of my path is the meeting with my loved one who learnt me a lot and it continuous.

For the beginner, there is no mystery, to do this work you need passion, a lot of work, hours of practice, enjoy yourself, try but stay yourself in your drawings.
Don’t listen the others, make your own choices. It could be difficult sometimes when you will need money, to give up food propositions; you will have to find your balance.
And everybody make mistakes, some bad choices … it doesn’t matter, practice makes perfect!


Chocovenyl wall decals

Sarajo writes us that her wall decals by Chocovenyl are featured on Ohdeedoh. Click here to purchase Sarajo’s decals from Chocovenyl’s Etsy website. Other Lilla Rogers Studio artists that have wall decals on the site are Jillian, Adolie, Carolyn, and Helen.

Sarajo’s decals

Jillian’s decals

Adolie’s decals

Carolyn’s decals

Helen’s decals

Valentine’s Trunk Show featuring Susy Pilgrim Waters


Adolie’s new book

Adolie writes us:

“My new book comes out Tomorrow

Sleeping beauty

A childhood dream but also an illustrator.
I stuck with it for many winters,
I’m bitten with pictures of young princesses, kings and colorful’s fairies.
Now, the book finished  and the story done, I can sleep too.

Tell me your travel, your emotions in this tale,
spread the news in your kingdom so that does not lose the magic of stories.

Thank you for sharing my dreams.”


Adolie’s featured in two magazines

Adolie writes:

“Hi Lilla,

two bits of good news this month
I’m in Sweet illustrations – Monsa edition
a beautiful group art book with amazing artists
(i have 7 pages)

and i’m in SMALL mag summer 2010 issue
I make 4 kids fashion illustrations for this issue

Here are the photos ;)

My best





Quiz: Is it a Lilla necklace or a Tiffany’s necklace?


New Work by the French Genius, Adolie Day

We are so proud to represent her. Magical work. Call us to assign or license her work!







Friday: New work by Sarajo Frieden for a one-of-a-kind card game.