Category: events


Susy Pilgrim Waters, Sarajo Frieden, and Rebecca Bradley at Icon 5 NYC

My three fab artists manned (womanned) the Lilla Rogers Studio table at Icon 5 Roadshow in NYC this past summer. Finally, I’m blogging these photos that Sarajo sent me. The Roadshow is a night during the illustration conference where artists show their work and art directors are invited to attend.

Here’s what Sarajo writes:
“The roadshow was pretty good, it wasn’t an amazing turnout (maybe people away for 4th of july?)..still, a lot of people came to our table. Rebecca, Susy and I gave out lots of samples and any biz cards too…Mostly LOTS of people were already familiar with our work, loved it, had gushing things to say!”

— sarajo

Sarajo, Rebecca and Susy. blog3ladies_b.jpg

Our table full of cool stuff for the art directors to view:blogicontable1.jpg


The lovely Susy. She sells her silk-screened shirts and bags on etsy.blogms_susy.jpg

Rebecca (on left) and Susy (on right)blogrebsusy.jpg


Allegra teaches art in her native Italy.

Allegra writes,

“Hello Lilla!
Here some photos of the workshops I made during the festival of theatre for children in Mantova (in the next days there’ll be more photos made by a photographer on the website of the event
Everything was fine and very interesting.
I hade workshop with children of primary schools every morning for 3 hours and I explained two different way of colour. The theme of the festival was the salmon, so we worked before on colouring the fish and then we’ve imagined a Mantova with salmons and coloured a big map of Mantova with salmons. it was fun! And the location was amazing, an ancient palace where ther’es the museum of the town.
I’ve also seen many theatre plays for children and got in touch with companies from all europe, in a certain way it was magic.

That’s all!

I’m working on an art book for children and a coverbook for Feltrinelli and for the same publisher i’ll change the graphic design for the last book (le parole magiche) in french as the’d like to sell the book in France.
I’ve just started a picture book for a small publisher of Torino and new works could start (I’m making some pages of try for some italian publishers) next year…we’ll see!

Have a good week!








Tomorrow: A personal piece by Diane Bigda.


Printsource NYC

Susan, Julia and I are going to Printsource tomorrow until Thursday. They’ve asked me to speak on TREND, my favorite subject. If you’re in NYC, come see us and about 800 pieces of art. We will be having a ball. I hope to blog photos and news over the next few days, but we may be completely busy…


Lilla Rogers Studio at Printsource NY

We’re so excited to exhibit at Printsource NY in January. And look what they are sending around, with our very own Carolyn Gavin of Ecojot as the featured artist on their announcement. Can you visit us? We’re taking appointments from art directors. Contact us to schedule an appointment to see work at the show. (Sorry, we can’t make appointments with artists even though we’d love to meet you. We’ll be so dang busy we really can’t view portfolios at the show.)


Tomorrow: Jessica Allen’s new birthday card.


Susy Pilgrim Waters’ fabulous annual craft event

A folk singer, hand-forged gold, Italian paper mistress, felted hats, Susy’s paintings — what more could you want in an event? This is a fantastic event curated by Susy. I’ll try to attend and then blog the pictures of the event to show you.

If you plan on attending, call Susy for her address which is in Newton, Massachusetts.


Tomorrow: Guess where Lilla is speaking in January. Find out tomorrow.


Meet Jenn Ski in Boston in the South End

Jenn writes:

Hi All,

I will be part of a show called Design Nearby in South Boston. Attached is some info on the event.
I hope you can drop by or help spread the word!

Friday, December 12th, 6 – 11 PM at Pinkcomma
81B Wareham Street/corner Albany



Monday: Come back to see Linda Ketelhut’s new work for a teen book commission.


Our studio manager, Julia, is having a Yard/Moving Sale.


Julia is having a Yard/Moving Sale on Sat. Oct. 18th at 39 Paul St. Watertown, MA from 10am-2pm. Please stop by and say hello. Lots of inexpensive, great items including designer clothes.

Here is Julia’s friend Robert (who is helping her pack) holding a sassy vintage dress that will be for sale.


A fine-looking BCBG top for cheap!


Jill Rosenwald’s Grand Studio Opening

Jill writes:
I hope you guys can make it to our BIG studio opening/party. The place is looking so good. friday 17th 4-9pm, 369 congress street 2nd floor!



Vote for our own John Coulter in the Hallmark Holiday Card Finals

Our own John Coulter is in finals in the Hallmark Holiday Card. You can vote for the finalists October 13 through November 3.

In order to vote, Hallmark says:

1. Go to
2. Find your favorite YourHoliday design and click “vote.”
*If you’re already registered, your vote will be cast, just like that!
*If you’re not registered, a screen will pop up and ask you, ever so kindly, to do so. Registration helps us keep the voting process honest–very important. After the first time you’ve registered, you won’t have to do it again. You’ll be able to log in with ease.
3. You can vote once per day during the voting period. Once.

Well, that about does it. Get excited. And get ready to vote in the mini-contest.


Lilla and Lisa DeJohn to speak about licensing

Jill Rosenwald sent me the following that I want to share with Boston-area folks:

hello design salonistas!
welcome to licensing 101!
on october 14th we are having our salon night focusing on the crazy world of licensing.

our panel that night includes LILLA ROGERS ( who owns an agency that places artists and their work at some of america’s biggest companies, LISA DE JOHN the painter/illustrator of the famed IKEA print (check out her you may recognize the work), and petite moi..your friend jill rosenwald..( a licensed designer for the past 4 work is today placed at anthropologie, starbucks, pottery barn, and crate and barrel among others.

we will be talking that night about our experiences but we would like YOUR help.

please submit your questions to us via and we will structure our talk around what you want to know!

thanks for your help on this one..and oh we will be having the event at kate maloney’s fabulous design space in cambridge at 875 main street..details to follow.
But we do need an rsvp kate’s space only has room for 25 let me know.

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