
Allegra teaches art in her native Italy.

Allegra writes,

“Hello Lilla!
Here some photos of the workshops I made during the festival of theatre for children in Mantova (in the next days there’ll be more photos made by a photographer on the website of the event www.segnidinfanzia.org).
Everything was fine and very interesting.
I hade workshop with children of primary schools every morning for 3 hours and I explained two different way of colour. The theme of the festival was the salmon, so we worked before on colouring the fish and then we’ve imagined a Mantova with salmons and coloured a big map of Mantova with salmons. it was fun! And the location was amazing, an ancient palace where ther’es the museum of the town.
I’ve also seen many theatre plays for children and got in touch with companies from all europe, in a certain way it was magic.

That’s all!

I’m working on an art book for children and a coverbook for Feltrinelli and for the same publisher i’ll change the graphic design for the last book (le parole magiche) in french as the’d like to sell the book in France.
I’ve just started a picture book for a small publisher of Torino and new works could start (I’m making some pages of try for some italian publishers) next year…we’ll see!

Have a good week!








Tomorrow: A personal piece by Diane Bigda.

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