Ta-da! We are thrilled to announce that we are now representing the mega-talent, Ruth Burrows. We know she’s going to be busy with editorial, children’s books, toys, surface design, and tons more. How do we know she’s going to be busy? Two reasons. One, her work was frequently selected for reviews in my Make Art That Sells classes, and two, she has already been commissioned to work on a sample for a children’s book–even before our official launch.
Contact us to assign or license art. We’re happy to help you find the perfect artist or gorgeous images for your project!
Originally from the UK, Ruth spent twenty years in the United Arab Emerites, and now resides in Lincoln, UK.
Her work is joyful and top-notch, just like Ruth herself. You’ll love working with her.
Lilla: Ruth, how do you stay inspired?
Ruth: I’m inspired by normal everyday things and ordinary people. I usually have my best ideas whilst out walking the dog! I love unfinished, wonky things that don’t match.
Lilla: Where do you buy your art supplies?
Ruth: I love a good old fashioned independent art shop if I can find one but my favorite thing to paint on at the moment is old Cornflakes boxes!
Welcome to the world of Ruth Burrows!
Lilla: Do you wear shoes when you do art?
Ruth: No, just fancy socks, usually mismatched.
Lilla: What was your favorite illustration assignment from class?
Ruth:West Side Story Poster from last year’s Bootcamp but honestly I love them all.
Lilla: What illustration job would you love to get (your dream job)?
Ruth: Illustrating one of those books about women who have done extraordinary things and men took the credit for it but now we’re going back and celebrating their lives.
Lilla: If you weren’t an illustrator, what would you be?
Ruth: An Odd Job Woman – I love carpentry and would love to learn about electrics and plumbing.
Lilla: Whom would you like to meet?
Ruth: I like ordinary folk, chatting to someone at the checkout is more interesting to me than someone famous.
Lilla: What do you listen to while you work?
Ruth: BBC Radio 4 or the World Service. Just talking, no music.
Lilla: How do you stay in shape?
Ruth: Walking the dog and using power tools.
Lilla: How don’t you stay in shape?
Ruth: Sitting too long glued to Procreate!
Lilla: What recent book do you recommend for a good read?
Ruth: I read every night before I sleep but rarely remember what’s going on, sometimes I have to start over to remind myself who all the characters are. I never remember the title and as soon as the book is finished I completely forget what it was about!
Lilla: How do you take your coffee?
Ruth: Instant coffee in a mug with full fat milk.
Lilla: What color combination are you most excited about right now?
Ruth: Orangey Red and Baby Pink
Lilla: Why do you like being an illustrator in 15 words or less?
Ruth: You can make something out of nothing.
Like the interview with Ruth? Read the whole thing here. Ready to assign a project with Ruth? Shoot an email to our lovely agents here.
I hope you enjoyed the show! Check out
our site to see more.
Want great art for your project? Don’t hesitate to
contact us. We’d be delighted to assist you with any of your art needs.
Agent, Artist, Author
Founder, Lilla Rogers Studio
Co-Founder, Make Art That Sells
Today, we’re delighted to feature our artist Mara Penny, who lives in Oakland, California. I fell in love with her work a few years ago when I spotted her in my courses at Make Art that Sells. She brings a joy to her work and fresh color palettes that are irresistible.
Dive in below and check out TWO of her newest, fully illustrated books and her huge bolt fabric collection (and a peek inside her home!)

Check out Mara’s fully-illustrated brand-new book, Like a Girl (Sterling)
Publishers Weekly writes, “Penny works in stylized collages that distinctively capture the likenesses of the women, who encompass people of varying backgrounds and abilities.”
Above: From Like a Girl(Sterling)
Animation by Natasha Dewitz

The Practical Witch’s Spell Book (Running Press)
The cool part about Mara is that she is able to paint such beautiful and magical subjects as you can see here, in her fully-illustrated book, The Practical Witch’s Spell Book. Her magical style was one of the many things that attracted me to Mara’s work initially, and I was eager for her to get a book that would showcase that part of her work, and so I was delighted when she was commissioned to illustrated this book.
A complete introduction to modern magic and witchcraft with spells and incantations for love, happiness, and success. See interiors below.

Mara’s collection for Moda
One of Mara’s dream projects was to design a bolt fabric collection, and so we were over the moon when she was commissioned to create several lines for the esteemed bolt fabric company Moda. She was asked to illustrate all 50 the United States.
Below, enjoy her first line from the Southwest region, called Desert Song. Mara illustrated the State Birds, State Flowers, and State Maps of Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona for this collection.

Desert Song Fabric Collection

Above: Mara was asked to create four different colorways for each pattern, which was a treat for this master colorist!
California State Map Tote
Mara’s studio
Mara Penny writes, “I have a gallery wall next to my desk that includes a portrait of my grandmother (top left) when she was about my age. That oil painting was my security blanket when I was very little. It was unframed and I would drag it around the house with me. The edges are roughed up and dog-eared. She was an artist, and the first oil painting she made was of an olive tree that hangs next to my desk. My daughter’s name is Olive so it’s a full-circle moment!”

I hope you enjoyed the show! Want great art for your project? Don’t hesitate to
contact us. We’d be delighted to assist you with any of your art needs. Get to know us
Founder, Lilla Rogers Studio
Co-Founder, Make Art That Sells e-courses
P. S. Read what our clients have to say about working with our agency
Dreaming of warm weather! Enjoy a peek inside Sarajo Frieden’s painting studio, more sassy Blue Q products and a nutty felt purse that I embellished using Hsinping Pan’s art.
Illustration by Anne Bentley
Animation by Natasha Dewitz
Get ready for our
3rd Annual Menagerie! It’s a cornucopia of fresh, new artwork by our artists that will be revealed on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH in a private, password-protected gallery.
Our amazing artists have created tons of brand new work from trend boards and assignments that I created just for this event. The trend boards are geared around the themes you request most often, and the images they’ve created will blow you away. Watch this space.

The latest for BlueQ
Sarah Walsh

Anne Bentley
Sarajo Frieden‘s studio in Los Angeles
Rebecca Jones

Hsinping Pan
I printed out Hsinping Pan‘s cool characters, made buttons out of them, and glued them on this bag.
Flora Waycott
I hope you enjoyed the show! Want great art for your project? Don’t hesitate to
contact us. We’d be delighted to assist you with any of your art needs. Get to know us
Founder, Lilla Rogers Studio
Co-Founder, Make Art That Sells courses
P. S. Read what our clients have to say about working with our agency