Month: January 2011
Lisa DeJohn’s Flashcards appear in Judith Wilson’s “Casual Living” home decorating book
Lisa writes:
“Hi Lilla,
I just found out about this book called “Casual Living, no-fuss style for a comfortable home” by Judith Wilson. It’s a home decor book and the Animal Alphabet Flashcards I did for Chronicle books were published in it! Not only that but it’s a very beautiful and stylish book with gorgeous photography. I recommend it highly!”
Wednesday: Mike Lowery’s updated bio
Janell’s illustrations for a children’s book
Janell writes:
Love is Hidden all Around is now available. This was a fun project. Each scene, ten in total, have examples of children enjoying the zoo, park, beach, etc. The first page has five hearts hidden in the illustration and the total hearts to find increases with each page. The final page has twenty hearts to find. This will be a fun challenge for the preschooler. It was a fun challenge for me to hide the hearts.”
Monday: Lisa DeJohn’s Flashcards appear in Judith Wilson’s “Casual Living” home decorating book
Mike’s Octopus Bamboo iPhone case
Mike’s whimsical Octopus Bamboo iPhone case is $20 off this week on Grove!
Friday: Janell’s illustrations for a children’s book
Marco’s new work for Enroute Magazine
Etsy crafter uses Carolyn’s Wild Thyme Fabric
Etsy crafter Owlettecollective made this Seed Pod Crayon Roll using Carolyn Gavin’s Wild Thyme Fabric.
See more of Carolyn’s work here.
Wednesdays: Marco’s new work for Enroute Magazine