
Announcing our brand new School site (+ your chance to win an iPad Mini3!)

When we launched our Make Art That Sells classes less than two years ago, we had no idea how rapidly they would become the go-to training for artists wanting to make their art more commercially viable whilst staying true to themselves. Over that time we have built up a huge bank of resources and industry insight, so we decided to create a dedicated home for it. Cue our shiny new site MakeArtThatSells.com, the home of resources, advice and courses for YOU.


The site is packed with free resources including Q&A with industry experts, top tips for building your career, inspiring videos to keep you moving forward. You can also find out more about our hugely popular online courses, the 2015 Global Talent Search and our upcoming LIVE event (yes ‘live’, as in we’ll all be in the same room – it’s going to be awesome!) We will also be using the site to showcase the incredible work of our talented alumni, and celebrate their successes as they grow their businesses.

Make yourself a cup of coffee, take out your notebook and spend some time exploring, learning and growing. And keep visiting, as we will be releasing fab new resources on a regular basis!


We are committed to helping artists all over the world build successful careers with their art, so we would love it if you would help us spread the word. To encourage you to do this and to celebrate the launch of our shiny new site we have put together a huge giveaway which runs for one week only. See our special giveaway page here for details of how to enter – there are THREE chances to win one of these awesome prizes:

  1.  An iPad Mini
  2. A free place on the Make Art That Sells online course of your choice
  3. A free place in the 2015 Global Talent Search and a signed copy of Lilla’s book ‘I just like to make things’

Fancy one of these fab prizes? Find out more and enter here!

We look forward to seeing you around MakeArtThatSells.com often, and hope it helps you build confidence in your own career and make more great art that sells!

Lilla and the Make Art That Sells team


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