
Cast your vote! 2015 Global Talent Search Public Voting is now open! Vote now and help launch an artist’s career.


We’re incredibly excited to unveil the online gallery of the submissions for the second assignment of the 2015 Global Talent Search! We’d love you to vote for your top five favorites.

The 50 Semi-Finalists were announced two weeks ago and then were given Assignment #2 to challenge them further. They’ve just finished the assignment, and now you get to vote on your choices. At the same time, our esteemed panel of VIP judges will also go in and privately select their top favorites. VOTE NOW

What is Assignment #2? In the second assignment, we continue the adventure of our fictional character Antoinette who owns a charming shop in Brooklyn. She is wanting some kind of new product to carry in her store, but doesn’t know what it might be. On a wacky whim she flies to London in search of something special.

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Poking around a vintage shop, she discovers tins. Perfect! Tins, but not vintage tins. Updated and hip organizational units. She feels her customer will love a beautiful yet practical product.

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Why did I create this particular assignment for the second round? Because it’s open enough to allow each artist to show off their work. There’s a lot of latitude here. The shape of the tin itself, the decoration of the tin, and the concept–what the tin will contain–all of this is open for exploration
by the 50 semi-finalists. I want their styles to shine. Read the tips that I gave the Semi-Finalists here.

The artists are encouraged to be themselves with a vengeance and create art with personality.

you with vengeance affirmation

Check out the fabulousness they created in our online gallery which is open here! Now is the chance for you to cast your vote.

I just previewed the gallery and I will tell you that all 50 entrants are top notch and worthy of a robust career. I promise you, it will not be easy to choose only 5.


Five finalists will be chosen by our esteemed panel of judges, and one finalist will be chosen by the public! YOUR VOTE COUNTS. The person with the most votes when the gallery closes at 9am PST / 12 noon EST / 5pm GMT on Monday, September 21st will go through to the Final as The People’s Choice.

The winner of this competition will sign with Lilla Rogers Studio for two years representation and win a host of licensing deals and professional development opportunities, so this is your chance to contribute to a LIFE-CHANGING OPPORTUNITY for one artist. Their career will be set. See the prizes here.

You can vote for up to 5 people. VOTE NOW!

Want to see how the competition works? See all the stages here.

Giant congratulations to all of you who made it through to the second round! Only a very small percentage of entrants have made it this far and this is due to the excellent piece you created for Assignment #1.

Thank you for being a part of this truly unprecedented competition.

We also wanted to say a huge congratulations to Semi-finalist Meghann Rader who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on 4th September. Meghann was unable to submit her round #2 assignment so we wish her all the best in her new adventure and look forward to seeing Meghann’s beautiful work in the 2016 Global Talent Search.

Warm regards,
Lilla, Beth, and the Studio Ladies

1 Comment

  • Finished voting. It was not easy to just select 5, so many beautiful work here. Wish all finalists good luck !

    September 17, 2015

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