Check out one of our NEWEST artists, Julia Christians!
We are delighted to show you the work of one of our newest artists, Global Talent Search winner Julia Christians. I first discovered her in my Illustrating Children’s Books course. Her wit, the animated quality of her characters, and gorgeous color palettes make for a winning combination. Enjoy!
Memorizing song lyrics is my useless superpower.
–Julia Christians
See more of Julia’s work here.
Julia was given a line of text (below) to illustrate for our Global Talent Search. Look how she takes a simple sentence and creates a believable, soft, and appealing world laced with a variety of characters. I knew when I saw this she would be a star children’s book illustrator.
I gave the 50 Global Talent Search Semi-Finalists a handful of wacky vintage items and asked them to create a graphic novel page.
It’s astonishing how Julia Christians made not just a graphic novel page, but a whole story with quirky characters, a fully-realized scene, and even a plot line! When we saw this piece, we knew we were looking at something special. We could envision getting her lots of graphic novels, book covers, and picture books.

Read more about Julia including what movie she has seen several times here.

See more of Julia’s studio here.
I hope you enjoyed the show! Want great art for your project? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be delighted to assist you with any of your art needs. Get to know us here!
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Founder, Lilla Rogers Studio
Co-Founder, Make Art That Sells courses