
Lisa Congdon’s Fabric Collection with Cloud9

Lisa writes:

“I’m so incredibly happy to announce the launch of my fabric collection for Cloud9! The collection is called The Land that Never Was, and it’s based on my a fantastical world I created in gouache paint and Micron pens. Images of the collection were released today on the Cloud9 website. It’s going into production now, and it will be available for purchase in the Spring of 2013!
I loved collaborating on the entire collection with the amazing & exceptionally talented Michelle Engel Bencsko, who is the co-founder and lead designer at Cloud9. As you know, we’ve been working on the designs together for six months. And I am so happy with how each one evolved! I learned that designing a fabric line is a process — lots of back and forth, refining and finessing. I have such an appreciation for the craft now!

Folks can check out my collection here.”

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