
Lots of new books and meet the artists

There’s nothing like illustrating a book or a magazine; it’s wonderful to sink into a manuscript. Today I want to show you work that our artists have done. Enjoy! We’re happy to help you find the right illustrator for your project.

Here’s a lovely illustration by Trina Dalziel for BHG Secrets of Getting Organized Special Interest Publication.

Meet Sarah Walsh

Sarah says, “I dream of owning a time machine someday but until then I enjoy cinnamon rolls, animals, art making, world culture, vintage children’s books, music & coffee.”

Meet Anne Bentley

Meet Tara Lilly

“I am inspired by something new everyday. I love to thrift shop, go to the library, or take walks in nature to get inspired,” says Tara.

Meet Flora Waycott

Flora says, “If I weren’t creating art I would love to own a cafe and tea shop, filled with flower posies and vegetables from the garden.”

Yes! Our Global Talent Search is back! Check out our top VIP judges.

Find out more here. Sign-up ends June 21st and my first assignment is released June 25!


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