
Sarah Alcock on Make Art That Sells (love this video!)

At first glance an e-course can sound like it might be impersonal – just you and your computer and your sketchbook, beavering away in your corner of the world. But the reality is the absolute opposite. A course like Make Art That Sells brings people together from all over the globe with a shared love of creating, a shared desire to monetise their talent, and a shared ambition to make great art that flies out of the door. The community that has built up around MATS is astounding – hundreds of lovely, generous artists supporting each other’s steps to success, in a way which is perhaps unusual in this highly competitive industry. And sometimes the participants even get their families involved. We love how Sarah Alcock’s daughter helped her create this adorable video about her experience in class. (It’s less than a minute long and we guarantee it will make you smile!) – click on the image to watch it.

If you have any problems viewing this video, click this link to watch it on Vimeo.com.

If you want to learn how to make art that sells in the top ten hottest markets, from one of the world’s top agents (who has sold art for products worth over $100 million) AND become part of an amazingly supportive artists’ community, sign up for Make Art That Sells now (begins October 7 online).

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