
Some great new work by Jon Cannell

I’m going to tell you something a little surprising. I’ve been rep’ing Jon for a lot of years. (That’s not the surprising part.) At first, Jon didn’t get a lot of work. Hard to believe. He is perfect for editorial. Why didn’t he get work? I think he was ahead of his time. It happens. Don’t use that as an excuse. You will know if you’re ahead of your time if really great art directors love your work but there’s not a lot of jobs yet. Don’t despair!
I’m happy to say that that is a distant memory and Jon is a very busy artist.

BTW, these pieces are all work from illustration jobs.






1 Comment

  • great work! love jon’s quirky style and sophisticated color palette. spoon on nose made me lol :D

    by kim
    April 10, 2009

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