
Some of my very favorite images by our artists created for our Menagerie 2021!

Every year, we host our art Menagerie for our artists, where we give juicy assignments to inspire them to create new work. Our goal is to constantly have our artists make new work for you, our clients.
Many of you have already logged into the site to see the work–over 150 truly gorgeous pieces were created for it, so I thought it would be great to show you a few highlights today.
Contact us to assign or license art. We’re happy to help you find the perfect artist or gorgeous images for your project!


New Menagerie Art PDFS!
Yes! You can download our artists’ brand-new work created for our Menagerie in these handy PDFs, grouped by your favorite categories.



We’ve got even more PDF goodness for you,
for categories like Puzzles, Editorial, and more!
Check out all of our PDF downloads here.


Enjoy these highlights from the Menagerie.
Kelly Anne’s beautiful collection for the Menagerie.
All images available for license as of this writing.


Available for license as of this writing.


Available for license as of this writing.


Available for license as of this writing.


Available for license as of this writing.


Available for license as of this writing.


Art Directors: Want to be a guest VIP for the July My Toy Pitch course? We would absolutely love to have you join us! Contact us!


I hope you enjoyed the show! Check out our site to see more.
Want great art for your project? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be delighted to assist you with any of your art needs.
Agent, Artist, Author
Founder, Lilla Rogers Studio
Co-Founder, Make Art That Sells

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