Tag: lisa dejohn
LISA DEJOHN: GUEST BLOGGER work featured in “Breaking Bad”
Hi Lilla, as you know I’ve been working on a video for your Make Art That Sells part B class this fall about my amazing water tower job! It’s been really fun to connect to the project again. I have been in contact with the marketing coordinator there in Albuquerque and she sent me some beautiful photos of the completed 175 foot tower. I also wanted to share a photo collage of the tower as it appeared in Breaking Bad. Last but not least, I found a great document from Sherwin Williams (this was the paint used in the tower) that has some stunning pictures in it. Fun to see! You can follow the development of Mesa Del Sol, NM on Facebook! – Lisa
More Surtex Flyers from our artists
We are up and running at Booth 317 at the Javits Center in New York. Come visit us! – Julia
New Nod Chairs by Lisa DeJohn
Lisa DeJohn writes:
“Hi Lilla, three new nod chairs I designed are now available at The Land of Nod. Initially I drew up a Nod Chair template in Illustrator, printed them out and sketched on the templates to see which designs I liked best. Once the final design was chosen and edited I drew up and colored the final again in illustrator and submitted the design! I’m so excited they also decided to make the ottoman’s! More to come…”
Lisa DeJohn’s Animal Alphabet Quilt
Lisa writes:
“Hi Lilla,
I was visiting my family in Bend, Oregon this summer and my mom and I came across a quilt show at Quilt Works. They happened to have made a quilt from my Animal Alphabet collection with Red Rooster! There were also some very beautiful and unusual intricate quilts done with hand painting, you can see this in the detail of pebbles in a stream from the wonderful bear quilt. It was a fun show and really cool to see an interpretation using my fabric collection. The entire Alphabet Animal collection from Red Rooster can be viewed here.
Lisa DeJohn’s Alphabet Animals turn up in Jewel’s Nursery as seen in People Magazine!
Lisa writes:
“Hi Lilla, I got an email from my sister-in-law on Friday exclaiming that my Alphabet Animals flash cards from Chronicle Books were in the newest issue of People Magazine! Turns out that the famous country singer Jewel has them hanging above the changing table in her new baby Kase’s nursery. It made my day, to say the least :)”
You can purchase Lisa’s Alphabet Animal from Chronicle Books here.
New painting by Lisa DeJohn at Grass Hut Gallery
Lisa writes:
“Hi Lilla,
I have a new painting in this group show at Grass Hut’s “Balls Out Thee Third” exhibition in Portland, Oregon. Tons of amazing work and I’m proud to be among a stellar line up of artists.”
Click here for the link.
Wednesday: Ann Boyajian inspired by cat muses
Lisa DeJohn’s Flashcards appear in Judith Wilson’s “Casual Living” home decorating book
Lisa writes:
“Hi Lilla,
I just found out about this book called “Casual Living, no-fuss style for a comfortable home” by Judith Wilson. It’s a home decor book and the Animal Alphabet Flashcards I did for Chronicle books were published in it! Not only that but it’s a very beautiful and stylish book with gorgeous photography. I recommend it highly!”
Wednesday: Mike Lowery’s updated bio
Lisa DeJohn’s watertower in Breaking Bad
Our wonderful summer intern Nina writes us from NYU:
“Hi Lilla!
Hope you’re well — I noticed something while watching season 3 of “Breaking Bad” — Lisa DeJohn’s water tower in the background! (the show is set in Albuquerque). Anyway, I got a kick out of it, hopefully you will, too.”
Wednesday: Trina Dalziel’s recent work for Lupus Now