This week we are sharing a series of stories from the 2013 Global Talent Search Finalists. This includes our Special Studio winner Daniel Roode, and our four runners up, Emily Balsley, Josephine Kimberling, Lizzie Mackay and Vesper Stamper. Today we are checking in with Emily Balsley…

What have you have been up to since the 2013 GTS competition?
Since the 2013 Global Talent Search, I have been busy working on a multitude of projects, including a few from my dream client list! The variety has been wonderful: from book projects to wedding invitations to gig posters to editorial work – I have had many opportunities to stretch myself and continue to dial my style.
I joined the Happy Happy Art Collective earlier this year, which has been a wonderful, nurturing experience. I’ve been featured on several blogs and have been named a finalist in the Wisconsin Bride Magazine Best of 2014 for my work with wedding invitations!
What are you most proud of?
– My self-confidence : I know who I am and the type of art I want to produce. When I’m presented a new challenge, there isn’t hesitation. I put my pen to the paper and create quality work.
– My assertiveness : I seize opportunities and get amazing jobs – putting myself out there pays off!
– My tool box : I am constantly striving to learn new skills and techniques to better myself as an illustrator.
What did you learn as a result of participating in the Global Talent Search?
– I can now call myself an illustrator. Before GTS I was still building my portfolio and refining my style. After getting into the finals I got the validation I needed. It was Go Time.
– I can do anything I put my mind to.
– There are a TON of talented illustrators out there. But instead of being intimidated, I use them as motivation to do better. There is a place for all of us.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of entering GTS this year?
Be yourself. Create what you makes you happy. People recognize the love you put into your work!
All images courtesy of Emily Balsley. Find out more about Emily and connect with her here:
Taking part in the Global Talent Search is fun and will challenge you. If you get to the semi-final (shortlist of top 50) your work will get in front of our stellar panel of judges from across the industry. If you get to the final, by then thousands of people will have seen your work. And the winner wins all of these amazing prizes, including 2 years’ representation from Lilla Rogers Studio. Last year’s winner nearly didn’t enter because she didn’t know if she was ready, or ‘good enough. She was and she won. So might you. But you have to be in it to win it. Registration closes soon. REGISTER NOW!